CH18-Ajax's Shadows

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Samael's footsteps left trails of echoes as he traversed the lush forest. The golden hue of the morning sun looming over the horizon

"Let's take a short break here," Ajax announced.

Samael sat down on a tree log, delving through his bag. He took out dried pieces of meat that he had bought beforehand.

"Here," Samael said, handing a few to Ajax. His eyes fixated on his mentor's visor. Curiousity danced in his pupils.

Ajax took the dried meat with a brief nod. His hand inched closer to his steel visor— opening a small compartment near his mouth.

Are you serious right now? Samael's face contorted in exasperation.

Ajax shot a glance at him.

"What?" he asked as he took small bites from the dried meat.

"Nothing," Samael dismissed as he shifted his focus to eating.

After their small feast, they marched onward once more.

Time would pass by in a breeze, and they would occasionally take their breaks, wherein Ajax would take the chance to teach him all sorts of things.

"This flower is referred to as Divina," Ajax stated, a flower nestling in his palm. Its snow-white petals emanating a faint silver glow.

"This is quite a rare flower, but it's highly sought out by watchers. This is lesson 4: Don't judge a book by its cover," Ajax said.

Samael's brows furrowed. "Why so?" he asked.

"It's dubbed the bane of the night. Once crushed, it can be used as a liquid coating that is highly corrosive against undead creatures," Ajax explained.

To think that such a small thing has that much value... Samael closely examined the flower; his eyes narrowed down.

"Remember, this flower releases a soft silver glow and has a red stem; it grows in areas rich in sunlight," Ajax reminded.

"Will keep it in mind," Samael replied as he tucked the flower in his dragon hoard remnant.

Ajax would patiently explain everything. Further broadening Samael's knowledge about the different kinds of flowers and herbs found in the wild.

Eventually, the warmth of the morning sun is overshadowed by the eerie chill of the night.

It took some convincing, but Samael managed to get Ajax's approval to alternate night watch.

As the morning light passed through the thick shade of the trees, Samael and Ajax would move forward once more, not wasting a single second.

Their routine would stay fixed: taking short breaks, giving lectures, and resting for the night.

Just like that, days would breeze by, hinting at their arrival at their destination.

It has been six days since we left Erudicio. We should arrive at Irvel village soon if we continue at this pace. Samael deduced.

However, a lone question lingered in his mind. Where are the monsters?

He expected they would encounter at least one or two wandering astray, but no, there was only the distant chirping of the birds.

"Ajax, I can't help but notice that we've never even once encountered an abomination on our journey," Samael pointed out.

Ajax brushed aside the leaves as he strode forward. "It's to be expected. I have been purposely choosing the safest routes to preserve our strength. We do not know if these disappearances are related to an abomination, so it is best to avoid skirmishes," he explained.

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