Part 21

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THERES 21 PARTS NOW WHATTT guys I'm gonna add chapters to my other stories sometime so be sure to check them out. 
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   Natasha looked with tired eyes at the only empty bed in the dormitory, the one that used to hold her sister. The blanket strewn over Yelena's unmade bed was all crinkled. 

   Restlessness spiked through her body like serotonin, heightening her awareness of the fact that the Winter Soldier wouldn't be alseep. Them two were the only ones awake in the Red Room facility. 

   She let out a puff of breath like Yelena would've done and twisted in her bed. She remembered the first time Yelena watched her do this many nights before, as James stood by her bed like a hovering, dark ghost. 

   One of the girls near her shifted fitfully in her sleep, mumbling in Russion as she did. "[Don't hurt me, Soldier, no! There is... there is no... man. I don't want to die... alone...]"

   Natasha froze at the sheer desperateness in Alina's voice. When you are asleep, you are most vulnerable. In both body and mind.  

   Certain people, like Alina, revealed themselves and their obscure thought while alseep. It piqued Nat's interest. 

   For a couple years, a while back, Yelena was the same way in her sleep. She'd toss and turn and moan and complain at some invisible phantom that haunted her mind. 

   She remembered climbing into bed with her and holding her until she stopped, and then asking her what she dreamed of. '[You. I dreamed of you, Natalia. Y-You shot me between the eyes,]' In that horrifying moment, Nat held her tightly until she fell back asleep. Yelena had been scared that the Red Room would eliminate her using Natasha.

   And here she was, wondering if Yelena had been eliminated. Wetness stained her cheeks, and she took a shuddering breath and swiped them away.

   Yelena's dream was centered around being at the end of Natasha's gun barrel, the one recieving bullets. The Red Room had that much of a grip and it managed to strike her heart with potent fear. 

   How wrong they all were. Even if her sister was dead, she'd still love her. She'd never hurt her, never.

   Missing Yelena now more than ever, she slipped out of the large, dark room and entered the hallway. She stopped by the corner, listening for noise. When she was sure the coast as clear, Nat continued along the hall to the Winter Soldier's cell. 

   She knew James wasn't doing well mentally,  she could tell with just one look at him. 

   Reaching the steel reinforced door with the sliding rectangular peephole, she stood on her toes, used to the pain that spread along her big toes and slid the metal plate to the side. The scant room was bathed in darkness. James hadn't bothered to switch the the bare bulb hanging from the ceiling on, so the shadows made his wide-open eyes seem like black pits.

   He was leaned heavily on the wall, legs sprawled in front of him loosely, but not comfortably. James' arms hung beside him, hands fisted. His brow was all creased... she slid the panel back into place with a low scrape that she hoped snapped him out of it, then slipped a pin from her hair.

   The door was designed to keep James in, but wasn't designed to keep people out as much, so using the past guidance he gave her, picking this lock was a breeze.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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