Chapter 1: Late Nights and Unspoken Words

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Woozi had always been the quiet one. Not in a shy or reserved way, but in a thoughtful, deliberate manner. Every word he spoke was calculated, every note he played meticulously crafted. As the lead songwriter and producer for the band, Seventeen, it was his responsibility to ensure that their sound was as tight as possible, a well-oiled machine of melodies, harmonies, and rhythms. He carried that weight without complaint, but lately, it had started to feel a bit heavier.

And then there was S.Coups, the charismatic leader who wore his heart on his sleeve and was the backbone of the group. Seungcheol, as Woozi called him when they were alone, was everything Woozi wasn’t. Loud when he needed to be, expressive in ways that made Woozi feel inadequate, but never overwhelming. He was the kind of person who made sure every single member felt like they were seen, and most importantly, loved.

It was easy to fall in love with someone like Seungcheol. But Woozi didn’t. He wouldn’t.

At least, that’s what he told himself.


The band was rehearsing late into the night, again. A grueling schedule and an upcoming tour had all of them on edge, but none more so than Woozi. He was the kind of person who would stay up all night tweaking the smallest details, refusing to rest until everything was perfect.

Tonight was one of those nights.

The rest of the members had already left the practice room, dragging their tired bodies back to their dorms to sleep for what little time they had before their next early morning. But Woozi stayed behind, sitting at the grand piano, eyes scanning the sheet music in front of him, fingers ghosting over the keys without pressing down. He was searching for something—a melody, a feeling, something that felt right.

He heard the door creak open behind him, soft footsteps approaching. He didn’t need to turn around to know who it was.

“Still here?” Seungcheol’s voice was low, soothing in the quiet of the night. It was that familiar mix of concern and amusement, like he knew Woozi would be here but wished he wasn’t.

Woozi hummed in response, still focused on the music. “Just trying to figure out this bridge.”

Seungcheol came closer, leaning against the piano. He crossed his arms over his chest, watching Woozi silently. He didn’t push, didn’t ask why Woozi was overworking himself again. He knew better than to try. Instead, he just stood there, offering his presence like it was enough.

And for Woozi, it kind of was.

“You should sleep,” Seungcheol finally said after a few moments, breaking the silence.

Woozi paused, his fingers hovering above the keys. He knew Seungcheol was right, but the thought of leaving the music unfinished gnawed at him. “I will,” he mumbled, more to himself than to Seungcheol.

A gentle sigh. “Jihoon…”

There it was. His real name. Whenever Seungcheol used it, it felt like a command wrapped in tenderness, a reminder that they weren’t just bandmates. They were friends. Maybe more.

Woozi closed his eyes, his shoulders slumping slightly. “I just need to finish this.”

There was a pause, and then Seungcheol was sitting beside him on the bench. Woozi could feel the warmth of his presence, the subtle brush of their shoulders as Seungcheol made himself comfortable.

“Let me help,” Seungcheol said softly.

Woozi blinked, surprised. “You? Help with the music?”

Seungcheol chuckled. “I know I’m not a genius like you, but maybe you just need a second set of ears. Besides, I can be your muse,” he added with a teasing grin.

Woozi huffed, half-amused, half-exasperated. “You’re ridiculous.”

But despite his protests, he found himself playing the melody again, letting Seungcheol listen. As the notes filled the room, Woozi glanced at Seungcheol out of the corner of his eye. The way Seungcheol’s head tilted slightly as he listened, how his fingers tapped against his knee in time with the music—it was calming, in a way that nothing else was.

When the melody faded, Seungcheol nodded slowly, thoughtful.

“It’s beautiful,” he said quietly. “But I think the bridge needs something more. Something that feels… bigger. Like it’s leading to something important.”

Woozi stared at him, caught off guard by how well Seungcheol had articulated exactly what was missing. His mind raced as he considered the suggestion.

“Bigger,” he murmured, turning back to the keys. He tried a new chord progression, something fuller, more dramatic. It was subtle, but it changed the entire feeling of the piece, elevating it to something that felt like a climax, a culmination of all the emotions the song had been building towards.

Seungcheol smiled softly. “That’s it.”

Woozi’s fingers stilled on the keys, the new bridge ringing out in the air between them. He turned his head slightly, meeting Seungcheol’s gaze for the first time that night. There was something unspoken between them, something that had always been there but neither had dared to address. It lingered in the way Seungcheol looked at him, in the way their bodies were so close but not touching, in the comfortable silence that wrapped around them like a blanket.

“Thanks,” Woozi said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Seungcheol’s smile widened, soft and fond. “Anytime.”

It's the first proper fanfic I upload. I would love some feedback
Please enjoy :3

Seventeen: the quiet harmony of us [Woozi X Scoups]Where stories live. Discover now