Chapter 8: The Afterglow

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The night after the concert was quiet, but the buzz of adrenaline still lingered in the air. Everyone was tired, but the kind of tired that came from giving everything you had, leaving your heart and soul on the stage. The members were scattered throughout the dorm, some chatting lazily while others nursed their sore muscles in quiet reflection.

Woozi found himself sitting on the balcony, the cool night breeze a welcome contrast to the heat of the stage. He sipped on a bottle of water, watching the city lights stretch out before him like stars scattered across the ground. Seoul felt different tonight-more alive, more vibrant. Maybe it was because the weight he had been carrying for so long was finally lifting.

Seungcheol joined him a few minutes later, slipping out onto the balcony with a soft, "Hey." He closed the glass door behind him, the sound of the others fading into the background.

Woozi glanced up at him, giving a small nod of acknowledgment. "Hey."

Seungcheol sat down beside him, their shoulders almost touching but not quite. For a moment, they just sat in silence, the night wrapping around them like a blanket. Woozi could feel the warmth of Seungcheol's presence, grounding him in the moment, but there was a tension beneath the surface-an unspoken question hanging between them.

"Tonight was..." Seungcheol started, his voice low, hesitant, as if he was unsure of how to phrase what he wanted to say. "It was something, wasn't it?"

Woozi smiled faintly, nodding. "Yeah. It was."

Seungcheol leaned back in his chair, eyes fixed on the city below. "The song... it was beautiful, Jihoon. Really. I wasn't expecting you to play it tonight, especially not like that."

Woozi swallowed, feeling the nerves bubble up in his chest again, though they were different now-less about fear and more about the weight of what had been shared. "I didn't plan it. I just... I felt like I had to. It felt right."

Seungcheol turned to look at him, his eyes soft, the moonlight casting a glow across his features. "I'm glad you did."

Woozi felt his heart stutter at the sincerity in Seungcheol's voice, and he had to look away for a moment, focusing on the horizon. His fingers fiddled with the cap of his water bottle, restless energy building in his chest. "I meant it, you know," he said softly, his voice almost lost in the wind. "The song. It was for you."

Seungcheol didn't say anything for a long moment, but Woozi could feel his gaze, steady and unwavering. When Seungcheol finally spoke, his voice was gentle. "I know."

Woozi's grip tightened around the bottle, his pulse quickening. "I don't know how to say this, Seungcheol. I'm not good with words. I've never been good at... at this kind of thing."

Seungcheol shifted in his seat, and then, without warning, he reached over and took Woozi's hand in his. The touch was gentle but firm, his thumb brushing lightly over Woozi's knuckles. "You don't have to say anything, Jihoon. You've already said more than enough."

Woozi blinked down at their intertwined hands, his heart beating faster at the simple gesture. He let out a small breath, feeling some of the tension leave his body. It was so easy with Seungcheol. It always had been.

"Still... I'm sorry. For pushing you away before," Woozi murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean to make you worry."

Seungcheol shook his head, his grip on Woozi's hand tightening slightly. "You don't have to apologize. I know why you did it, and I understand. But just... don't do it again, okay? Let me in."

Woozi nodded, feeling the warmth of Seungcheol's hand seep into his skin. "I'll try. I promise."

Seungcheol smiled softly at that, his eyes crinkling in the corners in that familiar way that always made Woozi's chest ache. For a moment, neither of them spoke, the silence between them comfortable and full of understanding.

Then, before Woozi could process it, Seungcheol shifted closer, their knees brushing together. He tilted his head slightly, his eyes flicking from Woozi's lips to his eyes, almost as if asking for permission.

Woozi's breath caught in his throat, but he didn't pull away. He didn't even think of pulling away. Instead, he found himself leaning in, closing the small distance between them. Seungcheol's lips met his in a soft, lingering kiss-gentle, warm, and filled with unspoken words.

It wasn't a kiss of passion, but one of reassurance. Of quiet promises. It was soft and slow, a moment that seemed to stretch on forever, and Woozi felt himself relax completely into it, all his worries and fears melting away.

When they finally pulled apart, Seungcheol rested his forehead against Woozi's, his breath warm against Woozi's skin. Neither of them said anything for a moment, just breathing in the quiet, the intimacy of the moment wrapping around them like a blanket.

"Is this okay?" Seungcheol asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Woozi nodded, his eyes fluttering closed as he rested his head against Seungcheol's shoulder, their hands still intertwined. "Yeah. It's more than okay."

Seungcheol exhaled softly, his free arm coming up to wrap around Woozi's shoulders, pulling him in closer. Woozi didn't resist, letting himself be drawn into Seungcheol's embrace. He rested his head against Seungcheol's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

They sat like that for a while, wrapped up in each other as the city buzzed quietly around them. The cool night breeze ruffled Woozi's hair, but he didn't feel cold. Not with Seungcheol's arm around him, holding him close.

Seungcheol's fingers played idly with the strands of Woozi's hair, and Woozi couldn't help but smile at the simple gesture. It was such a small thing, but it felt like everything in that moment-just the two of them, here, now, in the quiet after the storm.

"You know," Seungcheol murmured after a long while, his voice soft and content, "I don't need anything more than this. Just being with you... like this. It's enough."

Woozi felt his heart swell at the words, and he snuggled a little closer, feeling the warmth of Seungcheol's body against his own. "Me too," he whispered. "This is enough."

Seungcheol pressed a soft kiss to the top of Woozi's head, his lips lingering there for a moment. "I'm glad."

Woozi closed his eyes, letting the sound of Seungcheol's heartbeat lull him into a sense of peace he hadn't felt in a long time. It wasn't perfect-they still had things to figure out, conversations that needed to happen, emotions that needed to be sorted through-but for now, it was enough.

And as they sat there, wrapped up in each other under the blanket of the night, Woozi realized something.

Maybe this was what he had been searching for all along-not perfection, not control, but this. These quiet moments of understanding, of letting someone in, of finding peace in the spaces between the noise.

Seungcheol was still there, solid and unshakable, just as he had always been. And maybe, just maybe, that was all Woozi needed.


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