Chapter 7: All the Right Chords

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The tour reached its final leg, and the band found themselves in one of the most anticipated stops-Seoul. It was always a whirlwind of emotions performing in their home city, the place where it all began. The pressure was immense, but there was also something special about performing for the fans who had supported them from the very beginning.

In the days leading up to the Seoul concert, rehearsals became even more intense, the group spending hours fine-tuning every detail. But despite the exhaustion, Woozi felt more at ease than he had in a long time. It wasn't that the workload had lessened-in fact, the closer they got to the final performance, the heavier it became-but there was something different now. He didn't feel like he was carrying the weight alone.

Seungcheol had been by his side through it all, offering quiet support when Woozi needed it, and giving him space when the pressure threatened to overwhelm him. It was a balance they had found over the years, but now, it felt more natural, more effortless.

The night of the concert arrived, and the energy backstage was electric. The members were buzzing with excitement, adrenaline coursing through their veins as they prepared for one of their biggest shows yet.

Woozi stood by the stage entrance, adjusting his earpiece and taking a deep breath to steady himself. He had done this a thousand times before, but there was always something about performing in Seoul that made his heart race a little faster.

Seungcheol appeared beside him, his hand brushing against Woozi's back in a familiar, comforting gesture. "You ready?"

Woozi nodded, though his nerves were still there, humming beneath the surface. "Yeah. I think so."

Seungcheol smiled, that quiet confidence in his eyes that always seemed to calm Woozi's racing thoughts. "You'll be great. You always are."

Before Woozi could respond, the lights dimmed, and the roar of the crowd filled the stadium. The show was about to begin.

The members took their positions on stage, the familiar opening chords of their first song ringing out through the speakers. As the music swelled, Woozi found himself falling into the rhythm of the performance, the energy of the crowd feeding his every movement.

But as the night wore on, something unexpected happened.

During one of the quieter moments in the set, as the band transitioned into a more intimate song, Woozi glanced over at Seungcheol, who was standing a few feet away, his gaze focused intently on Woozi.

And suddenly, Woozi knew what he had to do.

His heart pounded in his chest, but there was no hesitation as he stepped forward, his voice soft but steady as he spoke into the microphone. "There's a song I want to share with you tonight," Woozi said, his voice carrying over the hushed crowd. "It's not part of our usual setlist, but it's something that means a lot to me. And I want you to hear it."

The other members exchanged surprised glances, but they didn't say anything. They trusted Woozi implicitly, knowing that if he was going off script, it was for a reason. The crowd, sensing something special was about to happen, grew quiet, the air thick with anticipation.

Woozi turned his gaze toward Seungcheol, his heart pounding in his chest. This was it-the moment he had never thought would come, the moment he had never imagined himself brave enough to face in front of thousands of fans. But here he was, standing on the precipice, ready to share not just his music, but his heart.

Taking a deep breath, Woozi adjusted the strap of his acoustic guitar and began to play the opening chords of the song he had written-the song he had played for Seungcheol in the hotel room just days ago. The melody flowed from his fingers effortlessly, the notes filling the stadium, soft but powerful.

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