Chapter 9: soft confessions

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The next few days after the concert were a blur of rehearsals, interviews, and brief moments of rest. Despite the chaos of their schedules, there was an undeniable shift in the air, especially between Woozi and Seungcheol. The unspoken connection they had nurtured over the years felt deeper now, more tangible. It was like the quiet comfort of knowing someone was always there, even if they didn’t have to say it.

Seungcheol had always been Woozi’s anchor, his safe place when the weight of the world became too much. But now, there was something else, something warmer and more intimate, that had started to bloom between them—something Woozi hadn’t known he was missing until now.

The evening after their last performance for the week, Woozi found himself back in the practice room, his fingers absentmindedly strumming the strings of his guitar. The others had gone out for a late dinner, but Woozi had stayed behind, needing some time to be alone with his thoughts and the music.

He was used to these quiet moments, but tonight felt different. His mind kept drifting back to Seungcheol—the way his smile had lingered a little longer after the concert, the soft way he had touched Woozi’s hand on the balcony, the feeling of Seungcheol’s lips against his own during that kiss. It had been brief but enough to leave a lasting imprint on Woozi’s mind.

The door to the practice room creaked open, pulling Woozi out of his thoughts. He looked up to see Seungcheol standing in the doorway, a soft smile on his lips. Woozi wasn’t surprised. Seungcheol had a way of always knowing when Woozi needed him.

“Hey,” Seungcheol said quietly, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. “I figured I’d find you here.”

Woozi offered a small smile in return, setting his guitar down on the floor beside him. “Couldn’t sleep. Too much on my mind.”

Seungcheol nodded as if he understood. He walked over and sat down next to Woozi on the floor, their knees almost touching. He didn’t say anything at first, just sat there, letting the comfortable silence wrap around them. Woozi appreciated that about Seungcheol—he never pushed, never forced him to speak before he was ready.

After a few minutes, Woozi finally broke the silence. “Have you… thought about it much?” he asked, his voice quieter than he intended.

Seungcheol turned his head slightly, raising an eyebrow. “Thought about what?”

Woozi swallowed, unsure of how to phrase what he was feeling. He looked down at his hands, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. “About us. About what happens now.”

Seungcheol’s expression softened immediately, and he shifted closer, gently nudging Woozi’s shoulder with his. “Yeah, I’ve thought about it. A lot, actually.”

Woozi felt a small, nervous knot form in his stomach. He wasn’t sure why he was so anxious. It wasn’t like they hadn’t talked about this before, but now that everything was out in the open, it felt more real—more fragile, somehow.

“And?” Woozi asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Seungcheol exhaled softly, his gaze fixed on Woozi’s profile. “And I think… I think whatever happens, we’ll be okay. As long as we’re honest with each other. As long as we keep talking. I’m not expecting everything to be perfect right away. We’re still figuring this out, but Jihoon… I don’t want to lose what we have. I don’t want to lose you.”

Woozi’s breath hitched at Seungcheol’s words, his heart beating a little faster. It wasn’t that he hadn’t known how Seungcheol felt—he’d known for a long time—but hearing it so plainly, so openly, made it feel like it was finally real. Like the ground beneath them had shifted, solidifying their connection in a way that couldn’t be undone.

“You won’t,” Woozi said softly, his eyes still focused on the floor. “I’m scared too, but… I don’t want to go back to how things were before. I think—” He paused, searching for the right words. “I think I’m ready for this.”

Seungcheol’s hand found Woozi’s, their fingers intertwining in a gesture that had become second nature to them. Woozi glanced up, meeting Seungcheol’s gaze for the first time since he’d entered the room.

There was something in Seungcheol’s eyes—something soft and steady, filled with a quiet kind of love that made Woozi’s chest tighten in the best way possible. Seungcheol didn’t have to say anything more because his expression said it all. He was here, and he wasn’t going anywhere.

“Come here,” Seungcheol murmured, his voice low and full of warmth. He tugged gently on Woozi’s hand, pulling him closer.

Woozi hesitated for a split second before giving in, leaning into Seungcheol’s embrace. Seungcheol wrapped his arms around him, holding him close, and Woozi rested his head on Seungcheol’s chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

It felt safe here, in Seungcheol’s arms. It felt like home.

They stayed like that for a while, wrapped up in each other, the world outside fading into the background. Seungcheol’s fingers idly traced patterns on Woozi’s back, soothing and gentle, and Woozi let out a content sigh, closing his eyes.

“I could get used to this,” Woozi mumbled against Seungcheol’s chest, his voice muffled but full of affection.

Seungcheol chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to the top of Woozi’s head. “Me too,” he whispered. “I like having you close.”

Woozi smiled at that, a warmth spreading through his chest. For so long, he had kept his walls up, afraid of letting someone in, but with Seungcheol, it didn’t feel like he was giving anything up. It felt like he was gaining something—something he hadn’t realized he needed until now.

After a while, Seungcheol shifted slightly, leaning back against the wall and pulling Woozi more comfortably into his lap. Woozi didn’t protest, instead letting his legs drape over Seungcheol’s as he nestled closer. His cheek pressed against Seungcheol’s shoulder, and Seungcheol rested his chin on top of Woozi’s head.

“You know,” Seungcheol said softly, his voice barely above a whisper, “I used to wonder if you’d ever let me get this close.”

Woozi’s eyes fluttered open, his heart skipping a beat at the admission. He tilted his head up slightly to meet Seungcheol’s gaze. “What do you mean?”

Seungcheol gave a small smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners in that familiar way. “I mean, I’ve always wanted to be close to you—more than just as your leader or your friend. But you were always so guarded, like you were afraid of letting anyone see the real you.”

Woozi frowned slightly, guilt bubbling up in his chest. “I wasn’t trying to push you away. I just… I didn’t know how to handle all of it. The music, the group, my own feelings. It was all too much.”

Seungcheol’s hand found its way back to Woozi’s hair, gently combing through the strands. “I know. And I never blamed you for that. I just… I always hoped that one day, you’d let me in. And now, I think you finally have.”

Woozi closed his eyes again, leaning into the touch. “I think I have too.”

For a moment, they just sat there in silence, wrapped up in each other. The air between them felt lighter now, the unspoken tension that had always lingered between them finally easing away.

“I like this,” Woozi said softly after a while, his voice barely above a whisper. “I like being with you like this.”

Seungcheol smiled, pressing another soft kiss to Woozi’s temple. “I like it too.”

Woozi felt his heart swell at the words, a soft warmth spreading through his chest. It wasn’t grand or dramatic, but it was real, and that was what mattered. They didn’t need big declarations or perfect moments. What they had was enough—more than enough.

As they sat there, Woozi nestled in Seungcheol’s arms, he realized something. For the first time in a long time, he wasn’t scared of the future. He wasn’t scared of what might come next.

Because no matter what happened, he knew that Seungcheol would be there, by his side, just as he always had been. And in this moment, in Seungcheol’s arms, Woozi felt like he had finally found the peace he had been searching for.

Seventeen: the quiet harmony of us [Woozi X Scoups]Where stories live. Discover now