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I heard the voice on the other end of the line, who seem to be in a hurry to do something. There are sounds of heavy breathing mix with sobbing.
Many times, I wanted to tell her to hang up so she could do things more easily, but it seemed like the person on the other end wanted me to stay with her all the time.

Honestly, I didn't mind. After all, it was better than being alone in the darkness with only the streetlights for company.

"Take your time, okay? I'm worried,"

I said into the phone. Sounds of noise on the other end make me imagine that she is probably rushing to start the car and drive.

"Why don't you hang up first? Talking on the phone while driving is dangerous."

[No... Stay with me. Don't hang up.]

"Don't drive too fast, okay?"

[You'll wait for me, right, Jom?]


[Promise me you'll wait.]

"Do I have to wait?"

I laughed a little, feeling like the person on the other end was being too serious. But when there was no laughter, I didn't dare act silly.


[You promised.]

I felt a slight flutter in my heart as I heard the other side response, not really knowing why. Maybe it would be better to continue the conversation.

"Are you a teacher or is your name 'Teacher'? Do you have a nickname?"

Is there really someone called 'Teacher' in this world? It's strange. Maybe there is, but it seems so strange...

[Why are you asking this? You've always called me Teacher Re. Are you okay, Jom?]

"My name is Jom?"

Since the person on the other end keep calling me that, I take the opportunity to ask for more information.

[Jom, how are you...]

"Hello... Hello?"

I pulled the phone away and grimaced when it went dead right in front of me. No matter how much I tried to turn it on, hit it, or almost throw it to intimidate it (which, of course, I didn't do), it seemed to have no effect. In the end, I sat there in the darkness, waiting for the teacher on the other end of the line to appear.

How old could this teacher be?
Judging by her voice, she probably isn't very old...

The name sounds a bit like my favorite horse, Teacher Re... If her name is Renu, I'd be shocked. I'll wait for her to come and ask her.

I sit there swatting mosquitoes for a long time. The headlights of the first car that passed by slowly approached and stopped at the spot where I was waiting. I raised my hand to shield my eyes from the blinding light, barely able to see anything, before I heard a voice.

"I'm getting you."

"Huh? Jenpob?"

As I blinked away the bright light, the figure of Jenpob, the same guy who dropped me off here, appeared and waved his finger at me.

"Hurry up, get in the car."

"What are you doing? You left me here and now you're picking me up."

Are you bipolar?

"Just get in before I change my mind."

"I'm not getting in!"

I said irritably, not wanting him to think I was a pushover. Even though it wasn't the time to play hard to get, I was waiting for someone else.

Rhythm Of My Heart 2Where stories live. Discover now