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"I won the bet."

I smiled at the dealer after receiving my winnings from the bet that Intuorn wouldn’t get back with her ex. It seemed that Sek was still winning, given the difference in others's belief that the young lady in the house would get back with her former flame.

‘Of course, you’d win the bet. You and the young lady are so close.’

One of the workers gossiped about me in his thoughts, and he isn't the only one. I am quite intrigue by this. Are they gossiping just because they see me comforting Intuorn at that dance?

Well… I completely forgot that there were so many people secretly watching.

But still, it didn’t make sense for the Woren to date each other. What was so strange about me comforting Intuorn out of concern? Thinking that something scary was going on with the owner’s daughter?

How could two female plugs create a current? There was nothing to connect!


As I walked to the stables, Jenpob, the bodyguard close to the young lady who was the subject of the conversation, called out to me in a cold and distant voice. His behavior showed that he really didn’t like me, and in his mind, he believed that I had feelings for the young lady. Is he in on this too?


"Intuorn wants to see you."


I replied simply and followed him. As I walked behind him, I thought about his thoughts from the other day when I was hit by a car. He had a hidden
phone and didn’t tell anyone about it.

That phone was definitely mine, but how would I know where he kept it and how to get it back?

"You’re lying."


I was lost in thought and stopped when Jenpob, who was walking in front, stopped. He turned to look at me suspiciously. He didn’t trust me at all. He was paranoid about something.

'What else is she lying about? At least the stuff about Ken is a lie.’

Oh... I got caught making stuff up. So that’s it.

"You said the young lady’s ex was seeing some bar girl."


"You were lying."

"And how do you know I was lying? Did you investigate?"

"Just tell me if you were lying or not."

"If I say no, you’ll still think I was. So... think what you want."

There’s no point trying to explain to someone who already believes you’re lying. What… I lied, but it was to get Intuorn away from that kind of guy.

Was that so wrong?

"If you can lie about one thing, you can lie about other things too”

Jenpob said, grabbing my wrist tightly. His mind was trying hard to catch me lying again and determine if I knew more.

"What do you suspect?"

"What should I suspect?"

Imagine if he knew I could read minds. How dangerous would that be? Because now, I knew he was paranoid that I might know about the car accident three months ago and that I was pretending to be ignorant to blackmail his young lady.

Has he been watching too many soap operas?

"Just don’t let me find out."

"You’re making me really curious about what you’re so afraid of."

Rhythm Of My Heart 2Where stories live. Discover now