Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Stefan's pov

"Your back. Finally. Nik went to check on the witch." Rebekah said walking into to the room. She looked at the coffin I was looking at earlier. I missed Stella. I may have my emotions off but I can still miss her.

"Dreary isn't it. The family cargo." She said she said looking around at all the coffins where her family were most likely daggered inside along with Stella.

"Why don't you undagger them?" I asked curiously. They were her family after all and she has probably had many chances to undagger them before. So why hasn't she done it?

"Because he would hunt me down and kill him. He's a fendicted little bastard, my brother." She replied refering to Klaus. I was a little suprised by her answer.

"But you still care about him. Why?" I questioned. I didn't understand how she could love someone who had daggered all her siblings and her as well once.

"I hated him for a long time. It was exhausting." She replied simply. I thought back to the time in the 20's when I first met them.

"Though when I first met you two you were both on the run." I stated remembering that being the reason why Klaus compelled me to forget them.

"Also exhausting." She replied smiling. I smiled back and looked down thinking.

"Who were you running from?" I asked looking up. I made my tone sound polite so she wouldn't suspect anything.

"What do you mean?" She answered back with another question.

"Last time I saw you there was a man, he was looking for you. You both seemed afraid. I wouldn't think Klaus would be afraid of anybody." I answered kindly making her smile slightly.

"No one in this world is truely fearless Stefan. No even Niklaus." She told me seriously.

"Who was that man?" I asked and right away I relised I had pushed her limit too far.

"I can't. If Nik knew we were talking about this he would..." I cut he off noticing I had gone too far and she was getting suspicious.

"No! No! I'm sorry! Just forget I asked...You know your family isn't the only ones he daggered." I said desperately changing the subject. She instantly became curious about what I just told her and forgot about our earlier conversation straight away, at least that's what I thought.

"What do mean? I'm sure that we're the only originals." She asked confused. I pointed to the coffin I knew was next to Elijah's. She followed me up to it.

"Your family are the only originals however when Klaus daggered your brother Elijah his girlfriend was effected as well because he had a witch bind their lives together so she could only die when he does but it means she was also affected by the dagger." I told Rebekah opening the lid of the coffin to reveal Stella's grey and veiny body sleeping peacefully.

"How do you know her?" Rebekah asked sensing my connection to her.

"She's my sister." I told her closing the coffin.

"I didn't know that you had a sister." She replied confused.

"Neither did I until just recently. To me she was just Elijah's girlfriend who was helping us try and kill Klaus. Me and my brother Damon found out the truth the morning of the sacrifice. Elijah and her were telliing us the plan to keep Elena safe. She went out for a minute then when she came back she asked us a few questions and revealed that her last name was really Salvatore then left. Elena, the doppleganger told us the truth." I explained.

"What was it then? And why didn't you know of her existance before then?" She asked imensed in the story.

"When we were human me, her and Damon were the Salvatore trio, the best of friends untill Katherine Pierce came along. She played with me and Damon's hearts however my sister was not fooled by her disguise. She always had a special gift to sense when someone was dangerous or not. Katherine was no exeption. Me and Damon learned that Katherine was a vampire. Damon didn't care, he was too much in love with her. I however was scared you could say so she compelled me to not be scared or tell anyone basically compelling my love for her. She fed on us and soon my sister found out the truth about miss Katherine Pierce. She told my father who put vervain in my tea and so later on when Katherine fed from me my father and his men dragged her off to be burned in the church with the other vampires.

However me and Damon went to save her. My sister saw us and tryed to stop us. We were still under Katherine's spell so we ignored her and she fell and hit her head on a rock. She called to us to stop but we left her there to die. When we vampires we forgot her because it was a too horrible memory to bear. We later learned that Elijah found her and turned her, saving her life. When we found out that she was our sister those memories came back to us and we apologised. However she disappeared for two days after the sacrifice with Klaus and Elijah and after that two days I went to get the cure for Damon at the same time Klaus daggered them." I explained the whole story to her. She nodded and smiled sympathetically at me. I smiled back.

"I apologise on my brothers behalf for what happened to your sister. By the way, you never mentioned her name. What was it?" She asked.

"Stella. Stella Delilah Salvatore." I told her proudly.

"Meaning star." Rebekah said smiling. I nodded. My sister Stella!















"Thanks for reading*

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