Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Stella's pov

After a while of the boys talking about a deal for the final coffin (BORING!!!) and me not paying attention, it looked like Klaus and Damon had finally come to an agreement. However, just as they were shaking hands, Stefan smirked.

"No deal." He told Klaus and suddenly Klaus thrust my brother's hand into the fire. I gasped and went to help him but Elijah shook his head at me as he put his hands on Damon's shoulders as a way of telling him not to interfere.

"Go get the coffin or your brother dies." Klaus told Damon. My brother glared at both Elijah and Klaus before storming off.

"Go with him brother. Keep him honest." Elijah followed Damon on Klaus's orders and I was left alone with my brother in law and my younger brother. Stefan and Klaus were talking but I wasn't really paying attention. I was having a nice daydream about unicorns and rainbows until Klaus interrupted it.

"I thought you'd already left. Why are you still here?" he asked someone and I looked up to see Elijah standing there, a mischievous twinkle in his eye; one I liked very much! Sexy! ;)

"Where are my manners brother. We forgot dessert." He says and a girl appeared holding a silver dish which he uncovered to reveal two daggers. I smirked along with Elijah as Klaus's eyes widened and the smirk left his lips.

"What have you done?" Klaus asked worried even though he definitely already knew.

"I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises so now we're doing this on my terms." My fiance said with a hint of mischief in his voice. I smiled at him.

"You're becoming more like me Elijah. I'm so proud." I told him and he gasped.

"Oh no! This can't be happening! I can't become like you. Help!" He faked worry and I pouted, crossing my arms. My brothers watched us with amusement clear on their faces.

I turned to the doorway as I heard footsteps and saw a younger version of Elijah walk in before he grabbed a dagger off the tray and stabbed Klaus in the arm. I guessed that he was Kol since Elijah had said he was the youngest and that he looked similar to him.

Next another man -who looked to be younger than Elijah by about a year- appeared, stabbing Klaus in the other arm. I guessed he was Finn since Elijah had said that he was the second oldest. Finally the two held him against the wall as who I guessed to be Rebekah (since she was the only girl) appeared, stabbing Klaus in the stomach. Elijah turned to my brothers and told them that they can leave- this was family business. Apparently, being engaged to Elijah means I'm part of this family now.

I can't lie, I feel sorry for Klaus in this moment because his whole family is turning against him which I can relate to. Yes, he deserves the physical pain but not the emotional. Elijah told me about all Klaus has gone through and I feel sorry for him. He's already gone through enough and I can understand that he only daggers his family to protect them from Mikael. However, he needs to tell them that and find a different way of protecting them- cause frankly, this way is crap!

Anyway, after a while of his siblings being mean to him (I'm telling Elijah off later- he should know better), Klaus was shocked along with everyone except me (I have no clue what is going on or who the women they're straing at is) when a women walked in. She stared at all of us, even me, before finally looking at Klaus.

"Do you know why I am here?" She asked calmly and I mentally shook my head. I do even know who she is, let alone why she is here! Klaus looked petrified! All I wanted to do was go up to him and give him a hug! What?! Don't look at me like that! He's my brother in law to be! Anyway, he looked like a scared puppy right now and that looks very cute.

"Your here to kill me." Klaus breathed out, not looking up or meeting her eye. Honestly, he looked like someone had told him that his pet bunny is dead. Don't look at me like that! I'm not crazy... Klaus has got a pet bunny!

"Look at me." Klaus looked up and I gasped silently. There was a single, lonely tear running down his cheek.

"I want us to be a family. All of us." I felt slightly out of place as she looked at all of us including me. I already realised she was their mother when I remembered Elijah's description of her and what she looked like.


Finally, after a few minutes of processing everything, the sibling all greeted their mother and eachover. I felt slightly out of place so when Elijah came over to me I quickly decided I should go out and give them some space to catch up.

"Hey Lijah, I'm going to go see my brothers, catch up with them since we never really had time to." I told him. It wasn't a lie. I had been meaning to catch up with them for a while but something always came up.

"Okay but don't be too long or I'll get worried." He told me, kissing me shortly, leaving me wanting more.

"I'll try but no promises since catching up on everything that has happened since 1864 might take a while. Also, thinking about 1864, I still haven't shouted at them for what they did." I said, remembering how they still haven't apologized. At the mention of the time that my brothers left me to die, Elijah's eyes darkened and he frowned.

"Then maybe I should come with you. After all, I haven't shown them how much I appreciate what they did." I shook my head instantly.

"It wasn't their fault. They fell under Katherine's spell just like every other man including you has." I tell him, trying to calm him down but only managing to dissolve some of his anger. Suddenly, Klaus appeared next to us.

"Speaking of 1864, I never found out your side of the story and how you two met." Klaus said, curiosity filling his eyes. I sighed.

"How about I tell you later, after I go see my brothers." I suggested. He nodded and I said goodbye to Elijah before leaving.
















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