Pleasing a storm

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Atlanta, Georgia

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Atlanta, Georgia

2:05 pm

reckless haste makes poor speed- Benjamin franklin

"oh jeez, call the ambulance please, another man jus fall fah me" i mumble lowly singing along as stalk Ashely plays lowly through the speaker in my living room that i recently bought.

I lean against the counter biting down on my nails with my fingers hovering over the call button while staring intensively at Iyana's name.

over the two months that I've been staying here in Atlanta, it's safe to say I've called Iyana at least 20 times everyday for the least.

I exhale, pushing down on the button, and to my shock i see her ace show up on the screen, looking angry.

her eyes have dark circles, and her naturally neat hair, in a mess.

this is not the Iyana that i know.

"H-hey Iyana" I smile nervously, staring at the screen with her unreadable expression staring back at me.

"Listen to me mauni. stop ring dung mi phone. mi nuh want talk to yuh. Look how yuh lose yuh accent all ting already" she kisses her teeth angrily before pointing her index finger at the phone menacingly "after yuh abandon yuh family inna wi greatest times ah need, den play yuh sending ah setta money fi mek mi forget de wrongs wey yuh doin. Yuh cya fix dis wid money. betta yuh jus lose mi number. Doh bother call yuh siblings dem either. mi tell dem yuh dead. now stop callin down mi phone and enjoy di rest of yuh lonely life ova deh"

with that, she hangs up the phone abruptly, leaving me staring at the blank phone screen.

my eyes fill with tears and my nostrils flair as my chest heaves up and down at a quick paste.

in the past two months, I've sent 500US for them every two weeks in the mail to help them at least make it by, in hopes that she would stop acting like this towards me but clearly it has done nothing but anger her more.

I stand there silently sobbing with my hands placed over my face, with no clue what to do anymore.

I wipe my eyes and walk over to my bedroom, putting on a sweater before heading out and locking my door behind me.

a habit I've recently picked up; retail therapy.

ever so often when i find myself in one of these extremely low moods, i take it upon myself to go out and buy myself something in hopes that it would cheer me up. weather it be food, clothes, shoes something.

I try my best to not do it often , because let's face it I'm not rich, but nobody's getting hurt when i spend maybe 50-100 dollars to treat myself.

i walk around the corner with my mind set on going to the bakery, but I feel my feet come to a halt seeing the building on the opposite side of the road.

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