Epilogue: Claire

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I wish I was able to get married to Xylon. I wish I had the nerve to say 'fuck off' to that ghost and get married.
Seeing the signs, I do believe that it is Xylon's ex-fiancé. I never got around to ask him about it, because it's not my place to say. He should be the one to tell me about his past, and if it takes forever in a day, then it'll take that long.

Xylon has been keeping his word to the people, helping the city and keeping those out of the shadowed area of the Underworld. We had a new army form, a better and much stronger one. Ones that won't die at the snap of the neck. Ones that will be able to uphold the Kingdom, and keep this city that we reside in, safe.
I see Xylon from across the way, talking to our grown little boy, Xylo. They don't see me, letting me just stare from the distance.

"I can feel a pair of eyes upon us."

"Yes, perhaps it's your mother."

I smile, knowing that this time they won't be able to see me. They look around, and they spot me, but not really. The glass that I am behind is reflecting their reflection, plus they haven't had a clue about this room. I created this room when they were out on leave, destroying the darkness and creating light paths.

"Huh, I thought she would be around. Maybe we are finally losing our minds."

Xylo says, shoving Xylon a bit in a joking manner.

"Yes it would appear to be. What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?"

"I wished to have a party. To seek out my mate."

"Have you had any feelings?"

"No, nothing different from when I usually court girls.."

"She might not have even been born yet son. You'll feel it, and when you do, you'll know."

Huh, is that how Xylon was when he was searching for me? Asking his father for different ways in which he could find his mate? Because just two days ago, he was asking to go into town, to meet the women. I know Xylo is older now, the big 16. But I still worry about him, when will he realize that he isn't like his father, a Vampire. He'll live forever, because the Vampire blood is in him, but unlike Xylon, he won't be King.
He has followed his fathers footsteps for the past two years, not once did he ask how it felt to be King, or anything really on his Kingship. Which was strange.. Throughout the years, I have met other families and their kids would always be asking about the day. Have they saved the world yet? When were they allowed to just stay home with family. It was cute, and somewhat annoying. Xylon and I were asked plenty of times, we each have way too many conversations that I could say, but the one that clung on to us the most, had to be when this little girl, with blonde bouncy curled hair, asked us if we enjoy the fact that we are new to a Kingdom. It had us puzzled for a week, that was a five year old little girl.
Xylo laughs at us whenever we ask him about it, so we had stopped after a year.

I turn my body around and walk over to a table, that I placed in the centre of the room. The chair was slightly uncomfortable, but not to which I wouldn't sit down in it. Reading over the pages that were sprawled out on my desk, I placed them each in separate piles. Just papers about the punishments from before, Some far worse than others. Beaten half to death, eyes plucked out, fingernails torn off. The list goes on.
As the time nears dusk, I grab my phone and my wallet. I dart out the room, fast and unseen. I head over to the dining hall, to see my two lovely men.


I greet first, to which a kiss was firmly planted on my cheek. He hugged me afterward, then let me greet our son.

"Xylo, how are you today?"

"I feel wonderful, thank you for asking. If I may, can I ask you a question?"

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