The Reunion

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Rob glanced at his cracked phone as he continued running, and the clock read two-fifty-seven... almost three in the morning, and he did not remember many details of his so-called 'current house' since it felt like it had been a decade since he'd been in there last. It was odd to think about, really... Rob remembers more about the house he lived in when he was a literal baby than the one he resided in most of his life - apart from the void saga, of course.

Whenever the cyclops tried to remember any specific detail, all that came up was... nothing. Nothing but static.

How is that possible? Were his parents sent to the void as well? If they were, how did he not know?

Rob squeezed his eye shut, looking for any type of memory to pop up like how one did in the office. He ignored the taunting sound of static that got louder and louder the harder he thought, but it did certainly make this whole ordeal a lot more stressful.

Suddenly, an image of a house finally popped up. It was similarly built like any house one would see upon entering Gumball's neighborhood, except painted... blue... just like Gumball's house. How foreboding.

Rob grunted to himself at the image. It felt as if ever since he was banished to the void, there hadn't been a minute that went by where Rob wasn't haunted by that pitiful kitten or something related to him... okay, no. Rob, calm down. Breathing techniques...

The cyclops listened to the imaginary angel on his shoulder, and mentally scolded himself after for condemning Gumball for something that wasn't even the cat's fault. Rob couldn't place his exact feelings on the cat - though he did comment on how he was quote-on-quote 'hard to hate' before, but Rob couldn't tell if he still believes that or not... his opinion on him always went up and down like a teeter-totter.

Enough of that, this wasn't about Gumball for once. Rob had to focus on the real issue here - and that was figuring out where his parents were.

He concentrated even harder, and managed to zone out from hearing the normally overwhelming static this time. Though unlike before, the house had broken windows and boards covering them, along with the doors. The wooden walls were covered in holes in some places, and Rob was confused... just a second ago, the house looked perfectly fine.

What on earth...

Okay, calm down Rob. Maybe it was a symbol for something... maybe it symbolized that ever since he got stuck in the void, the house was stuck being alone or something if his parents really have disappeared - gee, how touching.

While it wasn't much, it was all the cyclops could come up with for now. However... it wouldn't hurt to check if his hypothesis was right. Rob ventured through his mind for any clues of what the house's address may be, and surprise surprise... nothing showed up. Just his luck.

Rob groaned. It'd take forever to find the house... but at this point, all he could do was look, and he figured he'd find the house sooner or later.

Okay. Consider it done.


After what felt like years, Rob found the closest thing that resembled the image in his mind. He shut his eyes to double check, and instead of a house, an image of a mailbox showed up... odd - but it looked like the one next to the actual house, so that's a sign - but it also had the word 'Graves' painted on it, and that word rung a bell for Rob for some reason.

He couldn't remember his last name at the top of his head, but he recalled that it did start with a G... maybe it was Graves, if his mind was giving him this many signs about his past already.

Sighing, the cyclops walked toward the mailbox to double check - and low and behold, there it was. The word 'Graves' painted on the side. Yep, this was it. This was his house.

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