The Insinuation

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"Okay, Rob, let me get this straight..." Carrie began, as she stopped moving for a moment. "I can understand just about everything else... kind of, but... what do you mean your father can't see how you look? He can only see what you looked like before the entire 'void' thing? How is that even possible? What the hell was that creepy dream, where you turned everyone into... humans, to escape the void thing? And what did you mean by saying 'it's getting stronger'?"

Rob merely sighed in response, before carefully considering his words. "I... understand why you're confused, Carrie. And believe it or not, I have yet to figure out some of this stuff myself... like the first one. Though as for the other two... I guess they were-"

The cyclops cut himself off, as a dark thought flooded into his mind. Was the dream trying to tell him something this entire time? He figured that it, especially the ending part of him falling back into the void, would be symbolic for another unfortunate event happening to him, like being sent back there, but... was that supposed to represent something, or maybe even someone else, instead of himself?

At the very beginning of the cyclops' dream, there was nothing to be seen but a starry black vacuum - and six notes that formed an eerie melody to go with it.

On the contrary, at the very end, it showed him frozen in time as he was falling into that endless, staticky pit called the void... and then, as he mentioned to his father before, there were only five notes that time before everything went black and the cyclops woke up.

Did those represent something? If they did, what?

Rob's mind instantly went back to Banana Barbara, and her odd ability to predict the future and add things to the present merely by painting. Before he took her to that warehouse, one specific painting had caught his eye - that being the one where all five of the Wattersons hopelessly ran from the void, but as far as he knew... that hadn't happened, at least not yet.

The cyclops pushed that to the side for a moment, and continued to try and regather up everything that happened during the time Barbara was missing.

He figured that he must've temporarily forgotten what happened since he was erased... though, oddly enough, he clearly remembered the last painting that the banana made in that week she was stuck in the warehouse... which was the one that showcased Rob frowning deeply and holding a metal object, which was painted over - thus erasing him from existence.

Barbara repainted Rob, even adding something silly in the process, both being upon request - the finished product resulted in a scene where the cyclops was falling through the void... forever.

The scene that completely matched up with the end of his dream... with the pig tail and all.

Rob looked behind himself... he still had the tail, but that was the least of his concerns - there were much stranger things in Elmore, anyway, like this entire predicament.

Aside from all of that, her incoherent claims of there being 'no future' made absolutely no sense to Rob, especially since the cyclops didn't know what that exactly meant at the time... though now, he may.

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