Strawberry days (Wolfstar)

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Remus' P.O.V.

Sirius had always been a bit of a free spirit, but today, he seemed to be leaning into a side of himself he rarely showed. I found him sitting on the bed, legs crossed, surrounded by an assortment of strawberry-themed items—a pale pink romper, a red sweater, and all sorts of little accessories that he had carefully laid out. His pacifier rested beside him, decorated with strawberries, as if completing the look.

I knocked gently on the doorframe and smiled as he looked up, his eyes bright and full of excitement. "You feeling a bit different today, love?" I asked softly.

Sirius nodded eagerly, his black hair tumbling into his face. "I wanna wear strawberries," he mumbled around his thumb, which had found its way to his mouth in his excitement. "An' be girly today. Is that okay, Moony?"

I chuckled, walking over to him and gently ruffling his hair. "Of course it is, darling. You can wear whatever makes you happy."

Sirius beamed up at me, his thumb popping out of his mouth as he grabbed the pink romper with tiny strawberries embroidered on the pockets. He held it out to me, his eyes wide and hopeful. "Help me?"

"Always," I said with a smile, helping him out of his pajamas and into the cute little outfit he'd picked for himself.

The moment he slipped into the soft pink romper, his whole face lit up. He twirled in front of the mirror, the strawberry patches bouncing slightly with his movements. "Look, Moony! I'm a strawberry!" he giggled, showing off his little outfit.

"And the cutest strawberry I've ever seen," I added, reaching down to help him clip the matching strawberry hair clips into his messy black locks.

Once he was fully dressed, complete with strawberry earrings and his little red backpack shaped like a strawberry, Sirius plopped down onto the floor. He grabbed his strawberry plushie—a small bat with tiny wings decorated with strawberry prints—and cuddled it close.

I knelt down beside him, brushing a stray curl from his face. "How about we pack a little lunch in your strawberry thermos and head to the park for a bit?" I suggested. "It's sunny outside, and we could have a little picnic. Just you and me."

Sirius's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Yes! I wanna bring all my strawberry things!" he declared, quickly packing his little backpack with his favorite accessories and his pacifier.

Once we were all packed, I grabbed his hand, and we headed out, Sirius skipping beside me. He was completely in his element today, embracing his softer, more feminine side, and I loved seeing him like this—happy, carefree, and utterly himself.

When we arrived at the park, I spread out a blanket and helped him unpack his things. He sat down, cross-legged, and started munching on some snacks from his strawberry-themed lunchbox, all while cuddling his plush bat close to his chest. I leaned back on my elbows, watching him enjoy his day in the sun, his pacifier bobbing in his mouth between bites.

"Moony?" he mumbled around his paci, looking up at me with wide, innocent eyes.

"Yes, love?" I asked.

"Thank you for letting me be me," he said softly, his cheeks tinged with a light pink to match his romper. "It makes me happy."

My heart warmed at his words. I reached over and gently squeezed his hand. "You never have to thank me for that, Siri. You're perfect just the way you are."

Sirius smiled around his pacifier and snuggled up next to me, his head resting on my shoulder as we watched the clouds drift by. I wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close, as we spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the simple, strawberry-themed joy that Sirius had created for himself.

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