House shopping

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Draco walked through the front door of the quaint little cottage with a sense of excitement. It was the perfect size—not too big to feel lonely, but not too small to feel cramped. The wood floors gleamed under soft afternoon light, and the house smelled faintly of lavender. He could already picture them here—filling the space with their furniture, lazy mornings spent curled on the couch, and little Harry running around barefoot with his stuffed animals in tow. "Isn't it nice?" Draco asked, glancing at Harry over his shoulder. But Harry stood stiffly near the doorway, one hand clutching Draco's sleeve. His eyes were scanning the room as if he were looking for an escape. "It's... okay," Harry muttered. Draco arched a brow. "Just okay?" Harry gave a little shrug, chewing his bottom lip, and avoided Draco's gaze. It wasn't like him to be so hesitant about something so exciting. "Come on, let's check out the rest," Draco coaxed, trying to keep the mood light. He took Harry's hand and led him through the rooms, pointing out the cozy fireplace, the spacious kitchen, and the lovely garden in the back. "Look at this place! You could plant a whole vegetable patch back here." Harry offered a weak smile, but Draco could see the way his fingers fidgeted with the hem of his jumper. Something was bothering him, but Harry wasn't saying what.
As they walked back to the front of the house,Draco noticed something: a small cupboard beneath the stairs. Draco pulled the door open, revealing dusty shelves and a single dangling bulb. He didn't think much of it—until he turned back to Harry. Harry was pale, his breathing shallow, and his hands were clenched into fists. The little shake of his head told Draco everything. "That's it," Harry whispered, his voice tight. "I don't like it." Draco's brow furrowed in confusion. "What? But I thought—" He stopped mid-sentence, finally understanding. His heart clenched painfully in his chest. "It's because of the cupboard, isn't it?" Draco asked gently. Harry didn't say anything, but the way his shoulders slumped told Draco he was right. Draco had known Harry's relatives had been cruel to him as a child—but this? Harry had never told him the full extent. And now, the mere sight of the cupboard had pulled Harry right back into that fearful place. Draco's heart broke a little more. He stepped closer, wrapping his arms around Harry and pulling him into a protective hug. "Hey," he murmured, rubbing soothing circles on Harry's back. "It's alright. I'd never put you in there, love. Never." Harry buried his face in Draco's chest, his breath hitching. "I know. But... I just— I can't." Draco kissed the top of his head. "You don't have to explain, sweetheart. I understand." They stood there for a long moment, Harry clinging to Draco as if the fear might swallow him whole. But Draco held him steady, his voice soft and reassuring. "We won't take this house. I promise. We'll find somewhere else—somewhere without any cupboards or bad memories." Harry sniffled against Draco's chest but nodded. He felt small and vulnerable, but Draco didn't mind. He tightened his arms around Harry, holding him close like he always did when Harry needed to feel safe. "Do you want to slip for a bit?" Draco whispered into Harry's hair. "You don't have to be big right now if you don't want to." Harry hesitated for a moment, then gave a tiny nod. "M'kay..." he murmured, his voice soft and small. Draco smiled warmly, brushing a strand of hair from Harry's forehead. "Alright, baby. Let's get you home." He scooped Harry into his arms, not caring that Harry squirmed half-heartedly in protest. "Dray..." Harry whined, but Draco only chuckled. "You're mine to look after, remember?" Draco whispered, pressing a kiss to Harry's temple. "And I say no more scary cupboards and no more house hunting today. Just you and me, cozy on the couch." Harry sighed, his little self already starting to settle in Draco's arms. He relaxed into Draco's embrace, knowing he was safe. Draco would never let anything—or anyone—hurt him again. "Let's go home, love," Draco whispered, cradling Harry close as they left the house behind, ready to find somewhere that would feel like a true sanctuary for them both.

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