Different Styles

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Regulus sat on the couch, wrapped tightly in his gray fuzzy blanket, staring down at the black pacifier clipped to his shirt. The room was quiet except for the soft rain drizzling against the window, but that wasn't enough to calm the anxious knot in his stomach. Normally, when Reg was feeling this little, James would be the one taking care of him—patient, understanding, and always making sure everything was just right.

But today, James was off on some mission, and in his place... was Sirius.

"Hey, Reggie! Look what I found!" Sirius barged into the room, holding up a stuffed raccoon like it was a great treasure. His enthusiasm was completely at odds with Regulus' low-energy mood.

Regulus let out a soft sigh, pulling the blanket closer. "I'm not in the mood for playing, Siri..."

Sirius plopped down beside him, clearly not noticing Regulus' frown. "Come on, Reg, lighten up! We could have a whole adventure with this guy!" He wiggled the raccoon in front of his brother's face, making it 'talk' in a silly voice.

Regulus didn't react, his eyes fixed on the floor, while he clutched his favorite stuffed crow. He preferred calm. He wanted to nap, maybe draw in his little black notebook, but Sirius clearly had other plans.

"I don't want an adventure," Regulus mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. He slipped the pacifier into his mouth, hoping Sirius would get the hint.

Sirius, though, was undeterred. "Alright, no adventure. How about a game then? Jenga?" He pulled out a skeleton-themed Jenga set from behind the couch, stacking the blocks on the table without waiting for an answer.

Regulus gave his brother a sideways glance. Sirius was always like this—loud, chaotic, and doing everything at a hundred miles per hour. It was exhausting. He shifted in his seat, eyes flicking to his phone. If James were here, he'd understand that sometimes Reg just needed quiet, maybe even a cuddle and some soft music.

"Sirius, please..." Regulus tried again, but his words were muffled behind the pacifier.

Sirius, oblivious, knocked over the Jenga tower with a dramatic gasp, then grinned at his own theatrics. "Oops! Guess we'll have to build it again!"

Regulus huffed, pulling his hood over his head and retreating further into his blanket cocoon. He wasn't in the mood for this, and he wished James would hurry up and come back. Babysitting by Sirius was starting to feel more like surviving a storm.


Meanwhile, across town, James checked his watch and winced. "I hope Sirius isn't overwhelming him," he muttered to himself, knowing full well how vastly different his and Sirius' babysitting styles were.

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