Chapter 14

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Guess who didn't know they had an autoimmune disorder that basically amplifies their depression/motivation problems?

THIS author right here!

Started to get treated and a few weeks later, BAM, I suddenly feel like doing more of the old things I used to do!

I did my best catching myself up to speed with this chapter, so please forgive if there is a slight style difference, it has been a few years after all.

One warning for this chapter I suppose.


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Panicked and embarrassed, Kuroko's face felt like white hot coals with how much heat he radiated. Kuroko squeaked and got off of Shikamaru. The sound of the heels clacking on the wooden floor loudly. "S-s-sorry S-shika... I-I um..."

Shikamaru watched as Kuroko spluttered, and with a sigh, he scratched his head, "Kuro," the boy paused in his panicking and looked to see Shikamaru holding out his hand, "the least you could do in this very moment is help me up."

With a little gasp, Kuroko grabbed Shikamaru's hand and pulled. It was only due to his practice in those wretched heels that he didn't twist his ankle as he pulled Shika up. After helping Shika, Kuroko knelt down and picked up the snacks that were on the ground. He pointedly did not look at Shikamaru because he knew he found this amusing.

Shikamaru had a hunch something was... off about Kuroko as they walked back to their room. It was not about how he was acting—he knew how embarrassed Kuroko would be about this—but something about him. Ah.

Then it clicked.

"You're not wearing your mask." It was so obvious that Shikamaru almost wanted to kick himself for missing it.

Kuroko nodded with a bit of a hum and pulled up his sleeve to show Shikamaru the bracelet he had on. "It was a present from Kuro-sensei." Shikamaru gathered that it had a seal of some sort. It had the character for 'mask' on it, which was fitting.

Approaching the door to their room, stifled laughter sounded from beyond it. Kuroko took a breath to calm his nerves. Upon opening the door, they saw Ino sitting down and recovering her breath, though streams of giggles spilled out every so often. Arata was in a similar state as he pressed his fist over his mouth, trying to settle his own waves of laughter.

The focus was brought to the two boys who stood at the entrance, and the silence was broken as Arata snorted and guffawed.

"K-kuro-sensei!" Kuroko cried, cheeks flaring with heat involuntarily once again. Frowning, Kuroko pointedly looked away from his Sensei and went to sit beside Ino with a pout.

It took another minute, but eventually, Arata calmed down. Heaving a deep breath, the man sighed, "Ah, that was great. I haven't laughed that hard in ages!" He wiped a tear and looked over to Azuma who looked to be quite entertained.

"Aside from that, are you alright Chouji?" Azuma asked, lighting a cigarette by the open window. He was previously told off about smoking in the room, and this was the compromise he settled with Kuroko.

The boy in question looked away as if he was pouting, "I was just caught off guard."

"I defend Chouji, your Honour. I was in the same situation." Shikamaru piped up as he walked in and handed Chouji the treats he got for him. Though, he kept one for himself to try. Since he went out to get them he may as well try some for himself after all.

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