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The girl woke up with a gasp

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The girl woke up with a gasp. What's happening? It seems like she's in a sort of small box? There's a lot of supplies, what's it for? The girl couldn't remember anything. Why couldn't she remember anything? She sat up, but soon fell again by the box going up with a force. "Shit." She cursed when she saw she got a small cut on her forearm. Is she kidnapped? Is she going crazy? Soon the box stopped and light is in her vision. It was way to bright. Where was she? There was no one. Is she all alone? She slowly got out, being careful by her surroundings. Still there's no one. Was she really trapped here? "Hello?" She yelled, no response. "Hello! Is anyone there?" Still nothing. This is just a dream right? Right? She took another look at her surroundings. It was just a field with a forest on one side. There were no buildings. The field was trapped between walls. Is that her way out? Is this just a test of some sorts? Then she heard a noise. A sickening noise that shook her to the core. Is there a creature beyond those walls. If so, what? And what would happen if it comes out? Will it just kill her or will she learn to coexist with it? She had so many questions with no one to answer it. But she had one. She going totally insane.

She lost all hope. She never stepped foot out of the field. She was scared of what might be on the other side. She learnt to make food herself, a small hut and other things needed to survive. She did it all alone. But after a month there was an alarm. She recognized it. It was the box! The box that brought her up here! Is it just to bring more supplies? She ran towards the box and opened it when it came to its halt. In it was a boy. A darker skinned boy who seemed just as scared and confused as she was. "Where am I?" The boy asked. "I— I don't know either, I'm sorry." She still had that to figure out. "Are you all alone here? Who are you? Why can't I remember a thing?" She laughed slightly at the questions she also had a month ago. "Yeah, it's only me. I've been here for a month and then you came. I don't remember anything besides my name. You'll get yours back in a few days, don't worry. Come on, I'll help you out." She offered her hand. He took it. Once he was out of the box he took in her features. He couldn't lie but he found her very beautiful. She was a red haired girl with green eyes. "This place is.." "beautiful?" She finished. "Yeah.." she nodded. "It really is. Look, I don't have all answers to your questions yet. But there should be supplies that came with you in the box. It helps us survive." He nodded. "Did you build everything here?" She smiled. "Yeah. It was hard but needed." He then remembered something. "Who are you?" She grinned. "I'm Evelyn. Welcome to the glade, greenie."

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