Chapter Twenty: The Bet

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-Brynjolf's Perspective- 

While Elle was sleeping in the back of the carriage, Sigaar and I were having a long discussion about, well everything. From the most danger we've ever been in, to the times we've been arrested, and how many dragons we've seen. We were right in the middle of talking about the stupidity of the Civil War when we pulled up to Windhelm. It was early morning on Middas. Few people were awake and moving; the frozen city was still breaking the frost blanket that laid on top of them. 

"And how appropriate we end our discussion at the home of the man who started this whole debacle!" Sigaar chuckled. "I'll be parked at the stables, as usual, when are we leaving?"

"Let's say tomorrow morning. I'm sure Elle will kill me if I promise we'll be back and ready to leave tonight."

"I certainly would! What is it you thieves have against sleep, or an actual bed that isn't made out of moving wooden boards?" She cracked her neck. 

I turned back to Sigaar and gave him a look that said 'What did I tell you?' "Since Her Majesty Laeilwyn demands a straw bed to sleep in tonight, we'll stay at the Candlehearth and meet you here tomorrow at 10 o'clock."

Elle glared at me. "Sigaar, would you do me a favour and push him out of the wagon so he falls on his head?" 

Sigaar laughed. "Sorry, I don't get involved in Guild business. But accidents happen right?"

"Hey now, don't encourage her," I warned, "we're about to go fight some dangerous people and I don't want an arrow from her bow to 'miss' and hit me in the leg!"

"Oh please," Elle said, "I don't miss. Now let's get going!" We bid goodbye to Sigaar and began the walk to Hollyfrost Farm, where Torsten was waiting for us.

"So, what was it that distracted you back in Riften?" I asked, trying to break the silence.  

"I said it was nothing. How do you want to plant this circlet?" She pulled it out of her satchel and began twirling it around her fingers.  

"Simple. After we've dealt with these Summertime Shitheads and return back to report the good news, I'll distract them and you slip it into their bedside drawer when they're not looking. Then on our way out we notify the guards." 

"I still feel uncomfortable with this. We're helping them, just to harm them? It seems wrong on every level, even for thieves." 

"If you would rather be the distraction, you can be, I just get your cut." I shrugged, knowing she very well would not want to give up her pay. 

"No way. I can smother my conscience for one night. That 60% is mine." 

We knocked on the door of the house. A moustached man opened the door. "Yes?"

"Delvin Mallory said you had a job for us." I said. 

"Ah. You two. Come in." He led us inside to a small table near the fire. "My daughter Fjolti... she was murdered a few months ago... left her laying in a pool of her own blood. I assume they were after her valuables... she always wore far too much jewellry in public. When I told her it'd be the death of her, I'd never thought..." He trailed off. 

"I assure you it wasn't anyone from the Guild." I said. 

He shook his head. "No need to explain. I'm well aware of your Guild's methods. It took me weeks, but I finally tracked down the killer. A bloody Altmer at that. Can you imagine?" I glanced over at Elle, who I could sense was beginning to get uncomfortable. People in Windhelm were always less accepting of outsiders than any other Hold capital. 

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