Chapter Thirty Four: A Toast

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-Laeilwyn's Perspective-

I spat out the potion I made onto the ground. "This is disgusting! Are you sure we used the right ingredients?"

Erandur looked up from the book he was reading. He showed me how to make a few potions I used regularly before giving me ingredients and sending me off. "I think you mean are you sure you used the right ingredients."

I huffed. "Fine, me, but is it supposed to taste that bad?"

He came over and took a tiny sip, making a face the minute the liquid touched his lips. "Eugh, that's bloody horrible. Did you add the honeycomb?"

"Honeycomb" I asked confused. "It doesn't say that in the book..."

"That's a trick of the trade. You add the honeycomb to make it taste better. It's alright. You'll learn."

I sighed and dumped the potion into the - once empty - wine bottle now filled with rejected creations. "At least the restoration went a little better..."

"A little? You did the best you could helping that guard with those strange bite marks. You are a quick learner." Erandur pointed out.

"Thanks Erandur. I had an excellent teacher." I beamed, nudging him in the ribs. "Do you want to go get dinner?"

"That sounds wonderful. My treat." He said.

"Don't be silly. I asked you." I said, walking over to my sleeping area and pulling my large coin sack out of the bottom of my chest, which held the earnings from my last job. Everything else Erandur and I had ever earned was stored safely in the vault. It was a mastermind of a creation, designed by thieves to keep thieves out. It required 3 keys to open, and couldn't be lock picked, kind of like those nordic puzzle doors that required the claw to open it.

"We'll split it then?" He shouted back from his sleeping area where he was digging through his chest.

I sighed, knowing there was no way to convince him otherwise. Darn those stubborn elves...


Over dinner, Keerava, Talen-Jei, Marcurio and Mjoll all came up to our table and commented on how glad they were to see me moving about again. The latest visitor was a very drunk Brand-Shei.

"My goodness! If it isn't the lovely Laeilwyn! I was beginning to think I'd never see you again!" He pulled up a chair and collapsed into it.

"Brand-Shei, you know it takes more than a little poison to take me down!" I laughed, swiftly grabbing the tankard out of his hand and putting it on the table before he spilled.

"Poison, eh? None of that netch jelly I hope, that stuff can stop a mammoth dead in its tracks. I've seen it with me own two eyes!"

I chuckled again. "Brand-Shei, such a vivid imagination. We've got to give a hand to Erandur here, I wouldn't be having this lovely conversation with you if it wasn't for him."

"Don't forget Lady Mara." Erandur added.

"A toast then!" Brand-Shei lept up on a chair and almost fell over. "Everyone! May I have your attention? Quiet down please." Once he had everyone's attention, he began. "I have had the absolute pleasure of knowing the lovely Laeilwyn for over 10 years now, and even though she disappeared one night all those years ago, I haven't forgotten the joy she brings to this town and, more specifically, to me."

Erandur leaned over to me and whispered. "Did you two have a romance as well?"

I shook my head. Before I could explain, Brand-Shei told the story for me.

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