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The dimly lit office of Albus Dumbledore is filled with the soft glow of candles, their flickering light casting long shadows on the stone walls. Severus Snape stands before Dumbledore's desk, his expression a mask of cold fury, lips curled in disdain. Dumbledore, seated behind his cluttered desk, gazes at Severus with a calm, unwavering demeanor, though his eyes betray a hint of amusement at the younger wizard's outburst.

Severus Snape: I cannot fathom, Headmaster, why you would even entertain such an absurd notion. Bringing a muggle—a mere muggle—into Hogwarts, and not just any muggle, but some so-called 'famous' spy from their world, is nothing short of lunacy. The very idea is preposterous. What could a muggle possibly offer us in the fight against the Dark Lord? They are woefully ignorant of our world, our magic—our realities."

He takes a step closer to Dumbledore's desk, his eyes narrowing dangerously.

"And you suggest we place our trust in someone so incompetent, so utterly unfit for our cause? The thought alone is an insult to every witch and wizard who has ever set foot in these halls. I cannot imagine what sort of delusions have led you to believe that this... individual could be of any use to us. If you think I will stand idly by while you endanger this school and its students with such foolishness, you are gravely mistaken."

Dumbledore listens patiently, his fingers steepled together as Severus rants. Once Severus finishes, Dumbledore looks up, his blue eyes twinkling with that characteristic mix of warmth and mystery.

Albus Dumbledore: softly, yet firmly "Severus, I understand your concerns. However, you underestimate the value of intellect, regardless of its origins. This individual has a history of solving the most intricate and challenging cases that have baffled even the most seasoned minds in the muggle world. His reputation is not without merit."

Dumbledore leans back in his chair, regarding Severus with a calm yet resolute expression.

Albus Dumbledore: "Competence, my dear boy, is not always defined by one's knowledge of magic. Sometimes, the ability to see things differently—without the bias of our magical world—can be precisely what we need. The Dark Lord is a master of unpredictability, and this detective's unique perspective could provide us with insights we might otherwise overlook."

He pauses, letting his words sink in, before continuing in a gentler tone.

Albus Dumbledore: "I would not bring someone here if I did not believe they could contribute meaningfully to our cause. You know me well enough to trust in that, Severus. This is a difficult time, and we must use every resource available to us—no matter how unconventional it may seem."

Dumbledore's gaze softens, yet it remains unyielding, as if daring Severus to challenge him further.

The atmosphere in Dumbledore's office grows tense as Severus digests the Headmaster's words, his expression darkening with each passing second. The idea of bringing a muggle into Hogwarts was already intolerable, but the thought of relying on one to assist in their fight was almost laughable. He is about to retort when the door to the office creaks open, and Professor McGonagall steps inside, her usual composed demeanor slightly overshadowed by an undercurrent of urgency.

Minerva McGonagall: with a hint of hesitation "Albus, he has arrived."

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