Chapter 10. Mia's POV.

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*TW- sick*

"im.. what..?" i say, my voice breaking.

"Your pregnant.. congratulations..?" the nurse tells me.  I get lost in thought... i cant be pregnant.. can i..? If i was pregnant.. it would be.. REECES!! fuck! i have to deal with telling him.. and MARJORIE! Fuck she hates me already.. now a baby?!?!? 

"no, no, no, no, no this cant be happening.. fuck sake!" i exclaim.

"is everything ok Miss Roberts..?" the nurse questions seeing tears in my eyes.

"I cant be pregnant.. no please tell me your lying.." i whisper letting the tears fall

"Why not sweetie..?" she questions.

"Because im with a woman.. the father of the.. foetus.. is with another woman.. she hates me.. she thinks i pushed my girlfriend out of a window.." i start to sob feeling all the emotions hit me at once.. "i cant have a baby.." i whisper through sobs

"Would you like me to call the father of the baby.." she asks warmly

"Foetus. not baby" i say not wanting to admit i actually have a baby inside me. "but yes please..."

"ok sweetie.. do you know his number..?" i give her Reece's number.

"Dont tell him.. i need to tell him.." i plead. she smiles and leaves to call him. i sit there letting the news set in. ten minutes later the door swings open and i see a worried Reece. i look up into his eyes and immediately look away.

"Mia..? what's wrong.. look at me.. please?" i refuse to look at him.

"Reece.. I'm.." i stop myself blinking away tears.

"Your what..?" he asks concerned.

"Im pregnant.." i stare at my hands in my lap.

"How do you.. feel about it.. the baby..?"

"Its a foetus! Not a baby!" i say getting frustrated.

"Mia.." he notices the handcuffs on my wrist. "Why are you handcuffed..?" i burst into tears. "woah woah woah.. Mia talk to me.."

"Iven been arrested because they suspect me of pushing charlotte out of a window.. im pregnant and.. i feel sick and i need to throw up.. but cant do anything because of these stupid handcuffs!" i start to sob again and throw up on the floor. Reece immediately comes over and hugs me tight rocking me slightly

"shh its ok.. your ok.." he says trying to soothe me. The officer comes in.

"Miss Roberts.. you are no longer under arrest.. we have forensic evidence that charlotte fell.. i apologise for the whole team who has a part in this case .. for all of it" she unhandcuffs me and i smile weakly at her "you wont have a criminal record.. goodbye" i nod and watch her walk out. 

"Reece.. are you.. happy..? About the Foetus..?" i ask hesitantly.

"I think so.. are you..?" he says not wanting to admit he is really happy.. in case im not.

"no i really dont think i am at the minute.." i say feeling ashamed.. "what will you tell Marjorie..?"

"i dont know.. should i go tell her now..?"

"yes.. ill be ok here.." i smile weakly..

"here goes nothing.."

i watch Reece walk out and heads out of the hospital.. 

i get lost in thought again.. 

Do i want this baby..? Or not..?

The Nursery Nurse Murder MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now