Chapter 8. Mia's POV.

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Her body lying there, breathless, pale. the blood shot eyes looking straight up at me. I could feel my heart thumping in my chest faster than ever. I race downstairs, hoping my phone still had some battery left in it. I tap the screen. My phone was flat. Almost knocking my door hinges off, I race towards my neighbours house. No answer. I knock on every door trying to get someone to open up but no one answer the door. Until when I got back and Marjorie was stood there wide eyed staring and Charlottes unconscious body. Marjorie looks at me, eyes full of anger.

"What the fuck did you do to her Mia?!" Marjorie asks furiously. i stand there wide eyed.

"You think I did this?! Why the fuck would i hurt her? i fucking love her more than life its self!" i say chocking back tears.

"Well she wouldn't have fucking jumped!" She yells.

 i look at chars body.. her pale skin.. cold to touch. i rush to her and check her pulse.

"she has no pulse.." i whisper "CALL A FUCKING AMBULANCE!!" I demand.

Marjorie gets her phone out and dials 999 while i start CPR. i hear Marjorie yelling down the phone. I zone out while giving her CPR.. the next thing i know im being pulled away from her while the paramedics.. i stand there watching them work on her lifeless body.. they put her on the stretcher and take her in the ambulance..

"Are you Miss.. Amelia Roberts..?" A police officer asks. I nod unable to speak from the shock. "you are under arrest on suspicion of attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you can not afford one.. one will be appointed for you. Do you understand your rights..?" i stand there in shock as i get handcuffed and look at Marjorie, who has a smug look on her face.

"I understand.. but why would i do it..? i have no motive.. she's my girlfriend!!" i say quietly..

"We need to take you to the hospital.. you will have your blood taken for a blood alcohol level and test you for drugs.. while you are there you will have routine checks to make sure you have no illnesses.. we need your permission to search your property, if you don't agree we will have to go through the courts" The officer explains.

"I give you permission to search my property.." i say weakly.

"watch your head" The officer says, putting me in the backseat of the police car. we head to the hospital and i get taken inside, still handcuffed. We walk in the emergency room and i see Autumn, Sorscha, Clodagh and their baby. They stare at me wide eyed as the notice the handcuffs and me being dragged in by police officers. I lock eyes with Autumn.

"Miss Roberts. Keep walking! your still under arrest! i can up your charges from just attempted murder to attempted murder and refusing to cooperate!" the officer shouts. Autumn looks at me horrified. 

"Sorry Officer" i say weakly and keep walking. i get taken into a room and a nurse takes my blood. The officer handcuffs me to the bed and stands on the outside of the door. i sit there for half an hour before the nurse re-enters. 

"Miss Roberts.. so.. you weren't impaired.. no alcohol or drugs in your system.. but there's something you need to know." she says. 

"Is everything ok..?" I ask sceptically. 

"You are pregnant"

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