Returning the lost

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"Emma you need to get out of your room it's been a week!" Niall shouted to me.

"No! It's been a week Ashton is still in the fucking hospital because of me!"

"Emma it's not your fault"

"Yes it is!"

"How about I take you to see him as soon as you can okay¿"

"When will we be able to go¿" I questioned.

"Tomorrow at the soonest. I promise I will take you" He reassured.

I didn't reply I just laid on my bed with tears streaming down my face. Niall knew it was a yes so he left. Those are normally how our conversations went. He made promises he can't guarantee will happen. He just likes to give me fake hope.

I was really tired so I thought I'd try to sleep if I was going to see Ashton tomorrow. That's what I told my self everyday.


"Emma the doctor called! Ashton can be seen now! I'll take you!" Niall shouted through my door. I rushed up and changed into black jeggings and a sweater. I didn't try anymore so my hair looked like a blonde mop and I wasn't wearing any make up.

"You ready¿" Niall asked while I got into the car. I just nodded and nervously tapped on my arm rest.

I ran in and asked the nurse for directions before rushing to his room. As I got there a doctor walked out.

"How is he doing¿" I anxiously asked

"He's doing fine, but there's one problem. He can't remember much"


"He doesn't remember what happened or where he was when the accident happened. He doesn't even remember his school or some of his friends. He just remembers little things"

I rushed in his room and saw Ashton sleeping peacefully. I took a seat next to him and just looked at him.

"Hey Ashton" I whispered.

His eyes slowly opened and he looked startled as if he didn't know me. What if he forgot about me. No he can't. He wouldn't.

"W-what are you doing here¿" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I came to see you. Do you remember me¿"

"Did I forget about a girl with beautiful eyes and pretty hair and the smile that just lights up a room¿" Ashton sighed before continuing "The girl with an angelic voice and a cute little nose¿ How could I¿" Ashton spoke softly before pulling me into a hug.


"I missed you Emma"

My cheeks lit up and I held onto him even tighter "I'm so sorry for getting you into this"

"You didn't. I don't think so, I got into a car accident" Ashton spoke not sure if he was right.

"Ashton...We went out of town for 2 days and when we came back I was the one driving and I was the one who looked over at you and then looked back to find us crashing into a car! I'm sorry" Tears were falling down my eyes.

"You didn't do it on purpose Emma it's okay" He whispered as his cheek was pressed to mine.

We didn't talk for the rest of the time. He held my hand as he drifted off to sleep. Niall came into the door looking to see if he was okay.

"He doesn't remember a lot" I said shaking my head. At least he remembered me. I'm glad he did, really glad.

"Oh shit! Does he remember his best friend in the whole entire world¿" Niall wondered curiously.

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