Chapter 15 Tears and Promises

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Kenny POV

I wish life could be simpler than it is right now. Vikk keeps on having the worse daydreams ever, I can tell Brandon is stressed out, and I'm so confused. Once Brandon and my movie is done, I go into my room.

I pick up my knife and examine it. It's handle had a fancy design on it, twirling all around in a swirl. The colour of it was a bronze that when in the sunlight, gleams a gold tint. The sharpness was sharp enough to cut though the bone. It reminds me of the good old days, when I made video game videos on the internet.

All together, it was a great knife, nothing needing added. I set the golden knife down on the nightstand next to my bed and go to check on Vikk. I open the door slightly and see Vikks eyes open, glancing at me.

Me motions me to come in, and I do so. I sit on the edge of his bed and he sits up. Vikk stretches and yawns. It is night right now, but it is only nine o'clock.

"Hey Kenny." He finally says.

"Hey dude. How was your nap?" I ask.

"Horrible. I had the worst dream ever." He says, looking out the window. I sigh. What are these things he is experiencing?

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask, him now looking at me. He nods.

"It was about Lachlan. H-he was j-just on the ground, lifeless." Vikk wipes away a tear. "It felt so real. Then The whole Pack came out and kept saying 'this is your fault.' 'If you didn't ever exist, he would be alive now.' And other things that I can't remember." He stops talking, breathing in and out, trying to keep his composure.

I scoot over and hug him, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. He lets it all out, saying everything that he kept in. Every daydream he had about Lachlan.

"We'll save him. You will come back to save him." I say, us making eye contact. He just brakes down and keeps crying.

"I just want to go back in time to when I was alive. To when I didn't give up my life. To when I could see who loved me and who cared." He says.

"Me too, Vikk, me too." I sigh. I wish I was alive too. It has been way too long since I have seen my friends. The only people I have here are Brandon and Vikk, but they are broken, even if Brandon doesn't show it. He has told me everything that has happened, but keeps it in the inside.

"I promise that I will make sure you and Lachlan find each other again. And I know that we can keep that promise." Vikks tears dry and he smiles a sad smile. I return one and say, "Lets get to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow."

I stand up and walk into my room and go to sleep thinking about the past that I have kept secret. A single tear slips down my face while I fall asleep, but a smile on my face.


Did I do good? I feel like that this wasn't a good chapter. It was more of a filler chapter.

Did you guys like it? If you did, great!

But Aaaannnyyyyywwwaaayyyyy, see you crafters in another chapter! < 3

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