Chapter 25 Should of Rembered

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Kenny POV

Vikk and I make it to the helicopter heavy hearted, thinking about brandon. I just wish that he kept trying, that he stayed with me. But I will see him again, soon.

I wipe away a tear that formed, trying to stay confident. I hear the helicopter start up and I look up. There stood Vikk smiling his head off. At least he gets a happy ending.

"Come on man, we need to come back!" He yells over the noise. I nod, and climb up. I sit on the passenger seat, taking in everything that has happened.

I feel a sight shock as the helicopter sets into flight. I look out the window and see all time pass by, as if I was on a rollercoaster of emotions. Bright colours shining brightly, most of them being blue and yellow like the sky.

Suddenly, a huge white flash blinds my vision. I hear a scream come from the fellow next to me. I squint, trying to see Vikk, but totally fail. I feel an object hit into my stomach. I cringe, holding my stomach, trying to hid the pain, but to no avail. All I hear is a "Kenny! No!" And all turns black.

Vikk POV

Turbulence hits the helicopter and I start down towards the game border. I pull a lever and try to keep the helicopter level. It somewhat works, but something large comes right at me.

I swirl around, trying to dodge the object, but it was too big. It hits me straight on in the head and I feel my body start to weaken, sinking into the seat. All I hear before I pass out is a maniacal laugh I've heard so many times, and see two people I should of remembered.

Melissa and Billy.

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