Chapter 24 Try

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Lachlan POV

Time skip!

Therapy was hell. My therapist, Dr. Decker, doesn't do shit. She has me talk to her about my thoughts, things I do, and my demons. I say everything, hoping that it will work, but it just brings me down.

I walk in for the eighth time in these two weeks to see her sitting in her normal seat, jotting something down. She looks up, her glasses at the edge of her nose. She puts them back in place and motions me in.

I walk in, taking my seat and trying to hide my recent cut on my right side by setting my arms against my body. She doesn't seem suspicious of anything, so she goes on with our meeting.

"Welcome back Lachlan. How have you been?" She asks with a slight smile.

I give a fake smile back. "I've been great. Haven't been thinking about cutting." I lie though my teeth.

"Fantastic! You have been improving a lot! Before you know it, you could be done here." Done with therapy, or done with life?

Dr. Decker writes something down on her papers. "What have you thought of so far? Have the demons appear again?"

"Yes, actually. My demons keep telling me no one cares, that I should just drop dead."  I sigh.

"I never do this, but I think that you should get some pills. They should help you drastically." She says, frowning a bit.

"When should I get them?" I question. Can I overdose on them? That would be great.

"You should get them in a week or so. You just have to take a few test, and everything should be good!" Yeah right.

"Well, this concludes our meeting. I'll see you Thursday!" She exclaims. How is she so positive all the time? Doesn't she have any doubts at all? I sigh to myself as I walk up to Mitch and Jerome.

"How was it?" Jerome asks.

"Well, I'm going to be assigned some pills because I am incurable, so that's great." I grimly say, walking towards the door.

"It can't be that bad. At least it will help you, right?" Mitch says. I slightly shake my head side to side.

"She just doesn't want to deal with me, thats it. I'm incurable. I bet even the best therapist can't fix me." I murmur.

Jerome stops me in my tracks. "Don't you ever day that. You will get fixed, even if we have to go to every single therapist in the world. Please, keep trying." I see a tear about to form in his eyes. I can't do that to Jerome. He will break if I leave.

"I'll keep trying. For everyone." I announce, meaning every word. I have to keep trying. For Jerome, and Vikk.

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