Episode 6

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*‼️TW Panic attacks and violence‼️*
-Alex's POV-

After we poofed out Willie brought me to a secret spot as he called it. We got to a roof from which you could see the whole city. The sky was dark and it was pouring, but we didn't care. We set down on the rooftop and watched the stars. Our clothes were soaking wet and the lights from the houses were shining as bright as the stars..

„So what do you think Hotdog?", Willie asked me excited..

„I love it..It looks great!", I replied and leaned in for a kiss.

I pulled back but he pulled me closer to him, starting to kiss me. He put his hands together behind my neck and I put my arms around his waist. It got more intense but neither of us stopped. I never wanted this to stop.. I felt safe around him.. Like nothing bad in this world could ever get to me...

Eventually we both pulled back and just started watching the thunderstorm. I felt as he rested his head on my shoulder and I put my arm around him, pulling him even closer.


-Reggie's POV-

It has been hours of us sitting in silence and it was probably in the middle of the night. I looked over to Julie and Luke, who had fallen asleep cuddled up together. It was really comfortable honestly even though we sat on the floor, since we spread pillows and blankets. I still decided to get up and leave them alone.. I made sure to be quiet while walking down the stairs to not wake up anyone. When I got downstairs I saw Carlos in the living room, playing video games on his Nintendo and eating cookies.

I picked up a pillow carefully to not scare him and he asked:„Is one of Julie's ghost buddies here? Reggie?"

„Yeah it's me..What are you doing here?"

„Please don't tell my dad, I just couldn't sleep and decided to drink water when I saw those cookies... so I decided to get my Nintendo and have a little fun, to make myself tired, you know?"

„I won't tell anyone, but you should really go to bed.. You have school tomorrow!", I said and took his Nintendo.

„Ughh, fineee. But I can't sleep..", he replied looking a little sad.

„Why not?"

„I-I was just thinking about mum..I know I don't show it that much but I really miss her..", he muttered and tears welled up in his eyes.

„Heyy, that's okay.. It's completely normal to miss your mom.. I'm really sorry. How about you go to bed and I tell you a story?"

„Im not 8 anymore.. But maybe something about ghosts would be okay..", he said and we went up the stairs. I set down next to his bed and started telling him about ghosts. How much I missed eating, how I could poof anywhere I wanted and even my life before I died... After a while he was asleep..

-Julie's POV-

I woke up by a ray of sunshine in my face.. I opened my eyes and felt Luke's arms wrapped around me. I looked up at him and saw his eyes, scanning me. He was playing with my hair and his eyes lit up when he noticed I was awake..

„Morning sleepy..", he said softly and kissed my forehead.

„Morning...", I answered a little grumpy, I hated waking up early..

„You have to leave, I have school...", I warned Luke..

„Aww, just five more minutes.. I don't wanna let you go..", he begged and held me even tighter.

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