An Introduction!

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Hello there! As you probably have read already, this is a REWRITE of the original My Hero Academia, in my own way. To elaborate-

This is basically an Original Story using the My Hero Academia universe as it's skeleton.

There will be plenty of Original Characters made mostly by me.

There are a lot of changes to the canon characters.

The plot is LARGELY different. Or at least, it will be. For the beginning, the plot will be the same for a while, since the building of the plot in the original is very good and I don't really want to change it.

While Midoriya is still in the story, albeit as a girl, he, or rather, she is not the protagonist of the story. While initially Midoriya will be heavily involved as I plan to have the beginning still pan out from her point of view, she basically just serves as a "narrator" and introduction to the way the universe works.

There will be a pretty decent amount of slice of life content, romantic content, and co, along with the obvious focus on Adventure and Action.

A few warnings: English is NOT my first language. I struggle with the language sometimes, and I am still learning day by day. So please, bear with me and the mistakes I make.

That's about it, for now. If there is anything else to add, I will add it later.
Now, I would like to mention that there are a few things about my writing that I would like to explain. I like making LOADS of Author Notes. But, since it would look horrific if I just added them in the middle of the story, I created a "unique" (I hope, I haven't seen anyone else use it yet) method. Basically you might see at the end of some sections I add something that looks like this: [1], [2], etc. Basically, at the end of the chapter, in the notes section, I'll put the author note, and you can tell which paragraph I am talking about by the number inside the bracket. I hope that makes sense, but if it doesn't, let me give you an example. Basically, if I mention the design of something, and I want to clarify it further in the author notes, it will look like this:

"He had powered up, and had purple electricity surrounding him. [3]"

At the end of the chapter, in the notes;

"A/N 3: Similar to Midoriya's full cowling in the anime, but with purple electricity instead of green."

Hopefully that made sense to you since I have absolutely no better way to make it make sense. I am horrific at explaining things, apologies.

Oh and by the way for my Wattpad readers, I do want to mention that I have no idea how to add the notes on Wattpad yet so you won't see them, not until I find a suitable solution. If you guys can suggest any, I would love that.

Also, I absolutely SUCK at using AO3. Like, I am awful at it. I don't know how to properly use it yet, even though I've been using it for nearly 3 years. And as for Wattpad, I installed it literally like a few hours ago, so I'll learn as I go on, hopefully, so please bear with me and my lack of knowing how things work.

And finally, I myself am not pleased with my own writing, I feel I can do a lot better. Nevertheless, I hope you accompany me on

There are a few things I want to add to this introduction:

1) The introduction can and almost definitely WILL change in case I have anything else in mind that I would like to add.

2) All three years of U.A will take place in this tale.

3) I will add like a few "movie" chapters, aka side stories, in separate works. While most of them will be non-canonical stuff, but some of them could be canon. I haven't decided yet, but I will tell you if it is.

That is all, for now. Thank you for Reading this!

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