The Problem Children.

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Izumi's first few weeks at U.A were eventful to say the very least. From nearly being expelled, to breaking her arms again and somehow impressing her classmates, to there being rumors that she had dated Bakugo in the past and that's why there was animosity between the two (thankfully that rumor died out very soon, the very thought of it made her wanna puke), she had more than enough of her share of drama. Thankfully, she was at least doing well in her studies, excelling in every subject. No teacher had any complaints against her, besides Aizawa's occasional distaste at her recklessness.

Her classmates were all really interesting. Some of them were absolute sweethearts, like Uraraka, Kirishima, and Shiro. Some of them were rather... distant, like Todoroki, Inei and Chiyo. The latter made no sense to her, as she had been very friendly initially but then seemed to have just... sort of shut herself down. She hoped that Chiyo was okay.

There was one student that interested her more than anything. As a matter of fact, she shared this interest with all of her classmates, bar Miyuki, since she was friends with him.

Inei Namikaze. They had a battle trial in All Might's class, and immediately Inei's quirk made little to no sense to them. It had initially looked like an Energy Manipulation quirk, but then... Inei had been shown to be able to "sense" where his opponents were. He was able to easily predict what his opponents, Kirishima and Chiyo, were going to do. And that wasn't even the end of it! After taking a hit, he had somehow managed to heal the wound away.

With all of that going for him, plus his incredible hand-to-hand combat ability, he and his teammate, Miyuki, had easily won the battle.

They had tried to bombard him with questions about his quirk, but he had escaped them without answering. Midoriya was by far the most curious about the mystery surrounding the boy, especially his quirk. It was mostly due to her habit of analyzing quirks, but there was just a weird aura around Inei that made everyone curious about him.

They had also asked Miyuki about him, but she told them that she would never tell them anything that was against the wishes of her best friend.

Inei knew full well that he was a mystery to all of his classmates, and even a pretty large number of other students too. However, he didn't really care about that. The less they knew about him, the better for him. He didn't like the attention, admittedly, but it was manageable.

His first few weeks at U.A were easy enough, the school work was a piece of cake for him that he could probably do with his eyes closed if he really wanted to.

There was only one thing that still interested him, though. The mystery of Izumi Midoriya had been bothering him since the first day. And it only got worse. First, the fact that All Might had apparently taken an interest in her, seeing as he regularly invited her to his office, which had only made him think about that news report about the villain attack that both of them had been involved in. The multiple presences within her was obviously still fresh in his mind, and the sheer power of her quirk and how unstable it was. She obviously couldn't control it, which made him wonder how the hell she had survived for so long with a quirk like that. How did she not get into a freak accident when she first got it at the age of four? Nothing made any sense. And there was the fact that Bakugo kept bickering about how she had "hidden" her quirk from him, that she had pretended to be quirkless?
It all confused him to no end. It was frustrating him, whenever he had wanted to find out something before it wouldn't take him long to get his answers, but this was an entirely different matter.

Many, many different possibilities had entered Inei's mind. While the girl didn't seem to be dangerous, Inei knew that appearances rarely told the true nature of a person. What if there was something sinister surrounding the greenette? Inei would prefer to make sure to remove any possible threats or possibilities before any real danger comes.

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