The Beginning.

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The world changed a long time ago. When a glowing Baby was born in a hospital. That was what began it all, the beginning of a Supernatural society with people gaining powers called Quirks. It changed the world in ways that the previous world never could have comprehended. That was the day. The day that marked the final day of the previous world, and marked the beginning of a new Era. Countless generations passed, with many notable individuals marking themselves a place in history. But this is not a tale of all of them. This is a tale of just one. The most notable of them all.

"K-Kacchan- I- I'm not going to allow you to hurt him anymore!"
"Get out of the way, Deku!" the blond boy said, before he and His "friends" began approaching the green haired girl in front of them, who, though she looked afraid, was determined not to let the boys go any further.

A bit later, the girl, all beat up, was lying, hurt, on the floor. The blond Boy, whom she called "Kacchan" and his friends laughed, and walked away.

A beautiful woman, with chin-length blond hair, which was swept-back due to her headband, along with a fringe that covered one side of her face, was looking for her son. Her adoptive son, at least.
"Inei?" she called.
"Coming, mother."
A young child, probably no more than 7 years old, walked silently towards her.
"Where've you been?"
"I was just looking at the birds."
"Oh! They're beautiful, aren't they?"
"I guess."
The woman looked at the child, smiling sadly. She had rarely seen the child smile. Or just... be happy in general. Not that she could blame him. Not considering what happened to him. It had to be tough for him, to experience that as a child.


Izumi just sat there, deflated. The teacher had just given them handouts for their future plans, and admitted that they all wanted to be Heroes. While this was true, Izumi did want to be a hero, it was, however, ironic that he said that they all had "wonderful quirks". It's almost as if he was trying to get her bullied. Which he probably was, now that she thought about it.

"Oi, Deku!"
Oh god. Of course. Of-fucking-course. Katsuki Bakugo, the school's golden child, always protected, never spoke against, most popular, also a notorious bully, just had to call her out.
"Y-yes Kacchan?" she managed to stutter out.
"You're trying to become a hero?" he sneered.
"Well, yeah-"
"You? You, a quirkless slut? You're trying to enter U.A, and all that?"
"Yeah, I am-"
Bakugo grabbed her neck, pulling her out of her chair, and slammed her into the wall.
"Listen here, you useless fuck. You aren't getting into U.A. And you are especially not becoming a hero. Stop dreaming. Stop deluding yourself. It fucking pisses me off. You got that?!"
"Louder. Tell me exactly what I said. REPEAT!"
"I- I-"
Without waiting for an answer, he used his quirk to give her yet another burn, near her wrist this time. [1]
"I- I am not getting U,A, n-nor am I becoming a hero-"
"You better remember that."
With that, he went away to pick up his bag and exit the classroom, leaving Izumi on the floor. No one came to aid her. No one. Instead, they were all amused by the scene.
"Oh and before I forget," Bakugo was speaking again. "If you want a quirk, well you can always take a swan dive off the school rooftop. That would certainly do the trick. Unless you're quirkless in your second life as well, wouldn't be surprised knowing how useless you are."
With that said, he left the classroom. Some of the students actually laughed. And so did the teacher.
Soon enough, everyone left. She was alone. Of course she was. She always would be.
Everyone laughed at Bakugo telling her to commit suicide.
Maybe she should.

Over in the town, a villain attack had taken place. It seemed to be some sort of Sludge Villain. It was escaping after it had just robbed a bank. No heroes were around, all too distracted from a villain attack earlier in the day. Or at least no one thought there was a hero nearby.

A man with yellow hair styled in a peculiar way [2] was just coming out with his groceries, and saw the villain. He stopped for a second, before, strangely enough, seemed to have been replaced by a much more muscular man with the same kind of hair style.
" Don't Worry Citizens! " he said. " It's fine now! Why? Because I AM HERE!".

The citizens cheered, "All Might!" "ITS HIM! IT'S REALLY HIM!" "WE'RE SAVED!"

The sludge villain, seeing All Might, decided to run. All Might went quickly in pursuit of him.
The villain knew very well that he had no chance against All Might. He quickly ran, fearing for his life. But, to his utmost shock, he had found gold. He found a Green-Haired girl, just standing there, who seemed to not have noticed him.
"Perfect!" he thought to himself. "I can take over this girl's body and use her as a hostage! Luck is truly on my side!"

Izumi had just been walking around, aimlessly. She was upset. Extremely so.
...Something coming right at her?
She realized too late. The Sludge Villain had already got a hold of her.

"Stay still!" he said with glee in his voice. "It'll hurt for only a little while, but then the pain stops!"

Izumi was very scared, and was barely able to fight back, but the time she managed to stall was just enough.

"SMASH!" said a loud and particularly deep voice suddenly. Izumi heard no more after that for a while, for she lost consciousness.

When she woke up, she saw a particularly familiar face looking at her in concern. Then it hit her. It was All Might. She had just been saved. By All Might.

"Ah, good to see you've woken up, finally young lady! You were brave back there. You stalled the villain just enough for me to catch up and save you. I salute you for that!"
All Might then showed her a bottle, inside of which was a dark green-ish, slimy, looking substance.
"You helped me catch the villain!" he said, smiling. "Thank you for your help. I shall go now. Goodbye!"

"W-Wait! All Might!" Izumi tried to call him back, wanting to ask him a question. But All Might seemed to be in a hurry, and thus ignored her. But Izumi wasn't about to give in, just yet. This was her chance, her moment! She couldn't, and wouldn't let it go away from her just like that.
It wasn't until a bit later did All Might realize that something was pulling onto his leg. Looking down, he saw a green haired girl, holding on to dear life.

"H-HEY! What are you doing?! Let go!"

"I- I can't! I'll fall then!-" said a scared Izumi.

They ended up crashing on a nearby roof. Izumi landed unharmed mostly, and it took her a few seconds to realize that it was the perfect time to ask the question. The question she had been wondering about ever since she was told she was Quirkless.
"A-All Might! I want to ask you a question! Can som-" she cut herself off with a scream, for in front of her wasn't an extremely muscular, tall, powerful man. It was a skinny, decently tall man with a bony structure.
"W-Who are you?!" asked a very freaked out Izumi. "W-Where's All Might?"
"Tch, so you saw it," said the man. "Might as well tell you the entire thing, then."
So, he began.
"I am All Might. I'm only in this form, because of, well.... A few years back, I was involved in a fight. 5 years back, to be precise. This fight..... it... well," he lifted up his shirt, to reveal a grotesque injury. "It left me with this. I lost my whole stomach, along with half of my respiratory organs. This ends up affecting the amount of time I can spend doing hero work in a day."
"Five years ago?" Izumi mused. "Was that when you fought Toxic Chainsaw?"
All Might looked surprised, but all the same replied, "You're well informed about my fights, but no, it wasn't against him, a punk like that couldn't have dealt such an injury to me. Not even in his dreams."

Silence took place, before Izumi asked the question she had been meaning to ask all this time. "Can I..... can I become a hero? Even without a quirk?"
All Might looked solemnly at her for a few seconds, before, expressing a forlorn expression, answered.
"Well, I like your spirit. I can sense that you are a determined individual, and that makes for good hero material." Izumi's heart rose. But that, sadly, was for naught. Every bit of hope she had, every tiny reason to live, had escaped her soul and mind. Everything left her, after the next few words All Might uttered.

"But, without a quirk.... You cannot become a hero."

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