9. More Surprises

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Ragini had been in the chamber for what felt like hours. The novelty of the beautiful surroundings had worn off, and she was growing bored. She glanced at Mridula, the maid assigned to her, and decided to strike up a conversation.

"How long have you been working here?" She asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

Mridula smiled politely. "Almost five years, my lady. The palace is my home now."

Ragini nodded, intrigued by the simplicity with which Mridula spoke of life in the palace. "Do you ever meet the royal family?"

"Oh yes," Mridula responded, her voice lowering a little. "I see King Karn often. He's a good and just king. But…" She hesitated before continuing, "His wife, Queen Vrushali, passed away a while back. The kingdom still awaits a new queen. Until then, Princess Draupadi, wife of Prince Yudhishthir, handles the duties of the queen."

Ragini's mind raced as she processed the information. This wasn’t the Mahabharata she had learned from her grandmother. In those stories, Draupadi was the queen of the Pandavas, not acting as a queen in Karn’s kingdom. The entire situation felt surreal. She wondered just how much more was different in this alternate timeline.

"Princess Draupadi?" Ragini asked, almost in disbelief. The name itself brought with it a wave of images and emotions from the countless stories she'd heard of the fiery, powerful woman who was the wife of the Pandavas.

"Yes," Mridula confirmed. "She's a woman of great courage and beauty. Everyone admires her."

Ragini's thoughts spun as she pondered the strange reality she was living in. This world seemed to defy everything she had been told. How could everything be so different, yet feel so real? She was deep in thought when the door to the chamber creaked open, drawing her attention.

In walked Draupadi, her regal presence immediately commanding the room. Mridula stood up at once and bowed deeply. Ragini, on the other hand, found herself frozen, her breath catching in her throat. She had never seen a woman so beautiful in her life.

Draupadi was an image of perfection, as if carved from the finest marble by the hands of the gods themselves. Her skin glowed like honey kissed by the sun, and her long, dark hair fell in soft waves down her back, adorned with delicate flowers. Her almond-shaped eyes, framed by long, dark lashes, were as sharp as they were captivating, holding an intelligence and authority that was impossible to ignore. She wore a deep crimson saree, embroidered with gold, its fabric flowing gracefully with every step she took. Around her neck hung a necklace of the finest jewels, and gold bangles clinked softly on her wrists. Everything about her—the way she moved, the way she looked—spoke of royalty, strength, and power.

"Ragini," Draupadi greeted her, her voice smooth and calm, yet carrying an undeniable edge of authority. She observed Ragini from head to toe, her keen eyes taking in every detail. Ragini felt exposed under her gaze, as though she were being assessed.

"You look… different from the other girls," Draupadi commented, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

Ragini gulped, unsure how to respond, but before she could speak, Draupadi dismissed Mridula with a wave of her hand. The maid hurriedly bowed again and left the room, leaving Ragini alone with the princess.

"Please, sit," Draupadi gestured to the sofa. Ragini nodded, her movements stiff as she followed the command and sat down. She couldn't help but feel nervous in Draupadi’s presence. There was an undeniable aura of power around the princess, an air of authority that made Ragini instinctively straighten her posture.

As they settled on the sofas, Draupadi's sharp gaze softened slightly, though the intensity in her presence remained. Ragini could feel the weight of expectation in the air, knowing that this conversation would not be casual.

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