128 18 3

11 August

I've changed outfits three times, nothing is making me feel confident. Instead I pick out a dress that fits perfectly with the brand new pair of pumps I just purchased. I comb my hair then apply light makeup.

Even with me being so nervous I've prayed on this, but I don't expect God to listen with the way I've been living my life recently. I've never been so torn about something in my whole life. While I place my sketch layouts in my bag there's a knock on my door, who would show up this early.

I open the door and my father steps inside without even looking at me.

"Daddy what are you doing here?"

"Sweetheart I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called you those terrible names or insinuated that you exhibit that form of behavior." This is all coming as a shock to me, I didn't expect an apology this soon.

I notice him shaking and pacing "Are you okay"

"Megan Pete, has she still be asking you questions?"

I feel cornered, does he know about us. "I- about what?"

"That man who was shot, has she approached you since the first time you told about her."

"No, why?"

"Sweetheart listen to me, if she ever comes near you again I want you to call this number." He shoves a piece of paper in my hand, meanwhile his is shaking from terror.

"Daddy what are you talking about? Why do I need to call anyone?"

"Because she has the police in her pocket, this is someone that I trust to protect you."

I feel like I'm about to lose my nerve "You are not making sense right now, tell me what's going on?"

"That woman is very dangerous and she works with some very dangerous and powerful people, she wants revenge for a drug raid that happened to her warehouse."

I can't muster any words to describe what I'm feeling or process what he's telling me.

"Daddy do you hear yourself, where is this coming from, how on earth would she have a warehouse full of drugs and the police not know."

"Listen to what I'm telling you, she has the police in her pocket, she thinks that I know something about it so she threatened my life, she put a gun to my face."


I run my sweaty hands through my hair, dumbfounded at what he's saying. I've never known my father to lie to me but this is absolutely absurd.

"You need to leave."

"Sweetheart please believe what I'm telling you, she's not who you think she is, she's dangerous, be carful. If she comes near you, call that number." He says with a tremble in his voice. He leaves, I'm a ball of emotions, so much that I rush to the trash can and vomit my breakfast.

After sitting on the floor for a few minutes I pull myself off the floor. I fix my clothes and hurry to the meeting that I'm probably now late for, I try to push everything my father told me to the back of my head, but it's no use, I can't think of anything else.

Soon I make it to the meeting and speak with my realtor about putting a down payment on the space but I can't even finish a sentence without stuttering or getting hot. It got so bad that the realtor ask to re-schedule so that I can re-group.

The Preachers Daughter Where stories live. Discover now