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Houston Texas

This has been the hottest summer in Houston to date, I've made good use of my sundresses and shorts, being a preachers daughter has put some restraints on how I dress around church people so therefore I like to go out of town to let my hair down and be a sexy twenty-eight year old woman.

Before I go home I stop by my father's church to talk to him, his secretary lets me go right inside, I find him deep in his Bible and writing. I knock on the door to get his attention.

"Hey Babygirl, how are you?" He stands then comes give me a hug.

"I'm ok daddy, can I talk to you?"

"Absolutely, what's on your mind?"

"Why was Megan Pete here?"

"She came to ask me about the killing of that young boy."

"Why would she be asking you about that?"

"She heard he attended the church and wanted to know if he had anything to do with a drug ambush that took place, since a employee of hers is currently in the hospital."

"Why would you know anything about that?"

"I'm a pastor honey, you know people confide in me, but I don't anything, that's what I told her."

"That doesn't sound right, isn't she a CEO, why is she asking about a drug raid?"

"These people aren't who they seem to be, it's all a coverup for something larger. Why are you so worried about this?"

"She showed up at Sharas house for Bible study asking questions."

"If she comes around again let me know, I don't take kindly to anyone harassing my family."

"You don't have to worry about me, I can take care of myself."

"I know sweetheart, how are things with Jonathan? Are you agreeing with his ideas for the church expansion project."

"Some of them are good but daddy be serious, I could have worked with Shara on it, why him?"

"I assumed the two of you were getting close."

"We're are friends but it seems that since he's become your protege he's tried to get closer to me."

"He's a good man, I just want you to be with someone who's going to take care of you and honor you."

"I can take care of myself and I would appreciate it if you didn't meddle in my love life."

"I won't meddle anymore. I love you sweetheart."

"I love you too. I want to mention one more thing, you know I've devoted a lot of time to the church but the expansion project is going to be my last assignment before I start doing what I want."

"What's that?" He sits on his desk and crosses his arms

"I want to start my own private practice for special needs children."

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