Preview Lost But Not Forgotten Chapter One

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Though the years pass us by and the world is ever turning, something never change. Darkness lurks around ever corner trying to snuff out the light, but with darkness comes light. Those chosen to defend the balance, to keep the darkness at bay. Those people are known as The Moon Goddesses chosen, blessed by the moon and given extraordinary abilities that help them fight against the darkness. These chosen have already been called apawn by the Goddess, but the evil tried to use the ones she had chosen against her. That was until the one that had been left behind came into her powers, using her abilities she wiped out the source of the evil saving not only her family but the whole world. Her name is Catalina summer's and her fight is anything but over....

Laughter filled the house along with the sound of little feet, I awoke in bed alone Shane's spot had gone cold which meant he had been up for a while. Just as I rolled over to check what time it was the door flew open and I was bombarded by two little body's. Shane was quick to collect the giggling three year olds, he tucked one under each arm before turning to head back out of our room. I couldn't help but smile at the sight before I climbed out of bed heading to the kitchen. Shane had securely fastened our children into their highchairs, they both looked expectingly at their daddy waiting for their breakfast.

I still remember vividly the day I found out that I was pregnant, it had been such a shock that I didn't believe it at first. I had just awoken after fighting and defeating the man named West, Shane had been called away to sort out some of the damages caused by the rogues. The head nurse Maggie, Goddess rest her soul, said that she had to tell me the true reason that I fainted after the fight. I had expected something along the lines of a tumor or something that might kill me, but all she did was smile before passing me to ultrasound picture. It had been hard to tell just what I was looking at until she pointed it out, I had been a couple weeks pregnant and had been very lucky that I didn't loss it with all the stress I had been under. I didn't find out until later that I was having twins, after receiving the news I was shell-shocked to say the least. I sat there staring at the picture in my hands until Shane came back, but he wasn't alone. His mother and my own had followed him back to check on me, so it wasn't long before everyone knew I was pregnant that included Bella who burst into my room and demanded to know why she hadn't been the first to know. After that it was doctor appointments, room redecorating, baby supply shopping, and a duel baby shower. Bella wanted us both to have our baby shower together, which I didn't really mind if it meant less work for me. Bella had been the one who planned our gender reveal party, that's when we found out we were having a little boy and a little girl. Shane and I went around with the names until one night I awoke from a dream I couldn't remember, but I did remember one thing. Asher and Bryer the names we were going to give to our children.

A sudden screech pulled me out of my thoughts, I turned to see Bryer pulling her brothers hair. Shane went to stop her when I moved towards them, I knelt in front of her. Our eyes met before she slowly released her brother, her blue eyes shined like jewels freshly polished. Asher hiccuped softly through his soft sobs, I turned lifting him from his chair earning a cry from Bryer. Asher quieted down after a few minutes, his hand clung to my shirt as I rocked him slightly.

"Mama! Mama!" Bryer cried as she smacked her hands on her tray, Asher glanced up at me as I brushed his white hair out of his face. I carefully set him back into his chair before turning my attention back to Bryer, who clearly wanted to be held. Now was the time to teach them the things they'll need as they grow, fits and tantrums are not apart of that.

"Bryer I'm sorry but what you did to your brother was mean, you hurt him you need to tell him your sorry." She looked from me to Asher than back to me, her face scrunched up as she began to tear up again. Her hands reached out but not for me this time, her little hand and arms wrapped around Asher. Who had completely forgotten the whole ordeal, he looked puzzled for a moment before hugging Bryer back.

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