8. Smile

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Ben kept his head bowed low, hardly hearing the other as he tried to steady his breathing. Hot tears dripped down onto his bleeding legs as he waited for Jeff to stop yelling at him. He couldn't think clearly anymore and didn't try to. He was slapped and barely reacted until Jeff grabbed his face. Ben blinked, swallowing. His lips felt cold and his breathing was slower but more shallow. His vision was still like he was looking through a screen and his mind felt very far away. Drool dripped down the corner of his mouth.

Jeff stared hard at him. "You look so good when you're scared..." he growled as if thoroughly frustrated with himself.

Ben shuddered, his persistent erection twitching under the skirt.

Jeff crawled over him, knees on either side of Ben's hips.

With a soft gasp, Ben fell onto his back and looked up at Jeff with a dark, flushed face. His wrists were grabbed and held up above his head.

"It looks like you're really liking this," Jeff teased, a knee moving to slide up between Ben's legs and up against the bulging panties.

Ben squeaked and tried weakly to pull his wrists away from the man's grasp.

"What's the matter, Benji?" Jeff whispered, trailing the fingertips of his free hand down Ben's stomach. "Are you nervous?" He toyed with the hem of the skirt, his knee grinding slow and rough between the smaller male's legs.

Ben couldn't hold back the noises and small gasps that escaped between his drooling lips. He barely tried to move away now and instead arched his back. "Jeh...Jeff..." he moaned, breathing in the man's scent until it filled his mouth and lungs like warm, heavy smoke.

To his surprise, Jeff seemed flustered when his name was called and he pulled himself away, a light pink flush over his pale nose and cheeks. He stared down at Ben and then turned away, going into the bathroom and shutting the door.

Ben sat up on his elbows, panting softly and blushing hard. "Wh-Wha..."

The bathroom was quiet for a moment and then Jeff came back out soon after, taking a deep breath and looking confused and still flustered.

"Is e-everything okay-"

"You look just like him."

Ben stared at his kidnapper. "Like... who?"

He was even more surprised when Jeff walked up to him again and grabbed his face with his large hands in a gentle grasp. "What color were your eyes?" he asked softly.

Ben blinked at him in confusion. "They were...green."

Jeff let out a shuddering breath then leaned forward and put his mouth against Ben's, forcing the neko onto his back once again.

"Mmph!" Ben's eyes widened in utter shock as he was kissed hard and passionately, but he soon shut his eyes and began to slowly return the kiss.

Jeff held Ben's face still in his hands, a long tongue slipping into his mouth and sliding over his own smaller tongue to let him taste cigarette smoke and mint.

Ben wrapped his arms up around Jeff's neck, hardly able to breathe as their lips brushed and teeth clinked together. One of Jeff's arms had slid down under Ben's back, his fingers filling the dips perfectly as the neko was pressed up closer. They held one another so closely that Ben thought he'd die if their bodies were pulled apart. Their mouths were together for so long that all Ben could taste and smell was the man above him.

Suddenly Jeff pulled away slowly and Ben's eyes fluttered open to see him with a string of saliva trailing from his bottom lip to Ben's. He breathed hard and slow, pale face dark red. He wiped his mouth and stood up, holding his head. "Shit..." he growled. A huge bulge tented his black pants and Ben shuddered to think how big he was.

Ben felt as though he was seeing stars. He swallowed hard, still able to taste his captor in his mouth and ached to be kissed that way again. Ben stood up as well, lightly grabbing Jeff's arm. "You didn't have to stop," he breathed longingly, pressing himself up close to the man. He was still so hard and his mind was fogged with lust.

Jeff pushed him away and licked his lips. "I know I didn't have to."

Just the sight of the tongue that had been in his mouth made Ben's knees feel weak and his stomach knot. "What's the matter?"

Jeff looked at him again, face still red. "I want to go back out," he said, bending over to grab his jacket.

"No!" Ben gasped, holding onto him tightly. "I need you," he confessed desperately.

Jeff shouldered him off hard. "No you don't. Stay here, I'll be back."

Ben followed him to the door, his ears drooping. "Please!"

Jeff turned around to look at Ben from in the doorway and cupped his face, looking into his eyes with as much lust as Ben felt. "I'll be back," he said again, more promising this time. He kissed Ben's lips again one last time, hard and slow, then pulled back again.

Ben panted, his eyes half-lidded. "Okay," he nodded, letting him go.

Jeff hesitated. "You know, you have a really nice smile." He turned his blue-grey eyes away and left.

When the door was closed, Ben clenched his teeth, a hand flying down to his skirt and freezing just before he could lift it. He felt his cock leaking in the panties underneath and didn't know how long he could wait for the man to return.

Why'd he do that? Ben thought in frustration, back against the door. Why did he kiss me? He said... I looked like someone? Was he only thinking of them? But then he remembered the way Jeff had looked at him before he left and it sent shivers up his spine. Those eyes were so intense.

I need to get my mind off of it.

Ben stepped away from the door and looked around the room until his eyes fell on the desk where Jeff kept his journal. Perfect! he thought. Maybe I can read something that'll gross me out so I don't have to be hard for however long he stays away this time...

He picked up the journal and flipped it open to a random page.

All I can think about is blood. I killed thirty-eight people just today. It would've been more if they hadn't stopped me. All I can think about is killing people. The exhilaration is like nothing I've ever felt. There' something about the way they look at me before I take their lives, like they're so afraid of me. And when they take their last breath, I get to know I'm the one who took it. I wish I could share this with someone, but it's not something you can just tell people. I can't even go out now without covering my face because they all know. I enjoy the thrill but if there was just one person I could have that sees me normally, my life would be perfect. But that probably can't happen. Not now that I'm in this deep. I love killing so much that I'm afraid I'd end up coming back to my senses with their dead body at my feet and their blood on my hands. I'm not even sure if I'd feel bad afterwards. I don't know how I'd act like myself around someone.
Well, besides Liu.
I miss Liu so badly. He'd know what to do right now.
But it's too late. Regret won't bring him back.
Still, I can't help but wish he were here. I don't like looking at his skeleton anymore. It doesn't have his long blonde hair, or his soft skin, or bright green eyes, or his beautiful smile. I always thought I had the very best smile but I really do think that if he were still here, Liu would've had me beat.

Torture ((neko!Ben x Jeff x Liu))Where stories live. Discover now