9. Freak

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Realization hit Ben like a train as he stared at the words Jeff had written about his brother.

"Ben!" The front door swung open and Jeff walked inside, shutting and locking up the door behind him. "I-I was thinking..." his voice cracked, and he cleared his throat. "I was thinking, I..." he stared over at Ben, trailing off when he saw him with the journal. "What're you doing with that?" he asked quietly, face falling.

Dread filled Ben's chest. "You wanted me to look at it earlier," he pointed out, thinking quickly. He'd already shut the book in his hands. "You said those pictures meant a lot to you, and I wanted to see them again."

Jeff seemed to relax a little. "Oh. Well, put it down. I couldn't leave."

"You couldn't?" Ben furrowed his brows. "Why not?"

Jeff walked closer to him slowly. "You," he whispered, reaching for Ben's face.

Ben was instantly weak again, leaning into the large hands. How am I still letting this happen when I know why he wants me now?

They kissed again, but only once before Jeff had pulled away again. "How old are you?" he asked.

"I-I'm twenty-one," Ben nodded certainly, his heart racing.

"Ooo, young," Jeff grinned, picking Ben up in his arms and pressing him up against the wall. "I'm thirty-six."

"Ooo, old," Ben chuckled breathlessly as his neck was kissed and nipped at. "I like that."

"I knew you were a little freak," Jeff purred, repositioning himself to slide his jacket off and yanked his tightly fitting tank-top off.

Ben gaped and ran his hands hungrily up the hard abs and scarred chest. "I didn't think I was," Ben groaned honestly, his fingertips grazing lightly up to the back of the man's neck and leaning in to kiss him again. The cuts in the other's mouth grazed roughly against Ben's lips, and he shuddered. "I like your mouth," he said breathlessly.

"I like yours," Jeff panted, kissing Ben's soft lips while his hands roamed around the neko's thighs.

Ben shivered when his new wounds were grazed. "Careful," he gasped.

Jeff was grinding up against Ben now, and the younger male could feel the huge bulge in the other's pants, twitching up needily against the smaller bulge under his panties. He licked Ben's bottom lip slowly, then into his mouth and over his teeth. "Don't tell me what to do," he growled between breaths.

Ben smiled sweetly, looking up innocently at Jeff. The man's saliva dripped down his chin. "Yes'sir," he purred, showing his rows of white fangs slick with spit.

Jeff seemed to've liked the answer, letting out a shaky breath and his hips jerking forward to grind harder up against Ben.

Ben flushed and arched his back, moaning loudly. His tail swung back and forth quickly against the wall below them like an excited puppy.

Jeff pulled Ben away from the wall and carried him over to the couch. "I need a c-cigarette," he stuttered, putting Ben down onto the floor. He sat down on the couch and lit one up. "Get in front of me on your knees," he ordered.

Ben did so obediently, getting down on his knees between Jeff's legs with his ears perked as he waited for further instruction.

Jeff got comfortable and looked down at Ben with the cigarette in his mouth. He glanced down at the throbbing bulge under the black pants. "Go ahead," he grinned. "Take it out." He slung one arm over the back of the couch, the other holding the end of his cigarette.

Ben stared down at it, suddenly longing to have the other in his hands and mouth. He reached up shakily to unbutton Jeff's pants carefully, his hands grazing against the hot mass. He unzipped them, and the bulge sprang up more beneath Jeff's black boxers. The tip twitched underneath the fabric, and Ben slowly wrapped his hands around it, feeling with a shudder how thick it was.

Torture ((neko!Ben x Jeff x Liu))Where stories live. Discover now