15. Adults

16 2 1

Jeff stared at his computer screen, clicking replay again on the short clip of when Ben had first started riding him. The little red skirt flipped up to show everything as he was bounced, and the bright color against the darker background really drew all the attention right where it should be. Ben's soft, muffled moans sounded so needy. Jeff thought of putting in his earbuds and enjoying the video himself, but knew he was too tired now for that.

He glanced up from his spot on the couch where Ben slept curled up in the blankets of his bed, then back down at his screen with a small yawn.

He wanted to get the video up before going to bed since the last one had already made him a good few hundred dollars. He wasn't surprised when it had taken off so quickly. Ben was a little prize. I'd spend money to see him.

His wide eyes glazed over as he grew more and more tired.

Pale fingers slid over the laptop screen and gently pushed it closed. Stitches covered the long fingers. "You should go to sleep, you know," whispered a smooth, deep voice.

Jeff's hand was on the handle of his knife in an instant and he flung it out of his jacket pocket, pointing the tip of the blade to a small pointed nose.

An unfamiliar man sat on the floor in front of him. His ghostly pale body was completely naked with stitches and scars that covered him from head to toe and he had long blonde hair that fell in soft waves around his face, the ends cut straight all the way around. His bright, emerald eyes stared at the knife and he let out a shaky breath, then flicked up to stare at the killer.

Jeff froze and dropped the knife, backing up against the couch in confusion and terror.

Soft hands planted themselves on Jeff's knees as the other man crawled slowly up into his lap, smiling sweetly with soft pink lips and perfect white teeth. "It's okay," he whispered, as if noticing Jeff's sudden look of horror. "I'm okay."

Jeff was breathing hard, unable to move.

Arms slipped around his neck and under his hair. "What are you doing?" he whispered sweetly. "Hold me."

Jeff obeyed instantly, grabbing onto the small waist and holding on tightly, the skin warm and smooth like a woman's. "Liu," he breathed. "What-"

"Hush," the man whispered in a voice that Jeff knew so well but hardly recognized, knees sliding around Jeff's waist as he got into his lap. "You don't have to say anything."

Jeff reached up to hold Liu's face in his hands, watching as his brother blinked down at him through loving eyes. "What... happened?" was all he could ask in a small, shaky voice. "Y-Youre-"

"I told you, I'm okay," Liu hushed him again soothingly. "We don't have to talk about what happened."

Jeff breathed shakily. "Yes we do."

"Not now," Liu shook his head. "Later."

"Later?" Jeff whispered, his head spinning. He hadn't realized until now he'd been running his hands up and down his brother's small, soft hips. He'd always liked to think about how Liu would've looked now, but nothing could have ever prepared him to actually ever see it, and it was better than anything he could've imagined.

"Later," Liu repeated with a little smile, his face leaning in close and staring at Jeff's mouth. "But I do wanna say... you look really good."

Jeff felt a growl of hunger rise in his throat and he pulled Liu closer into his lap. "So do you," he said, breathing against the other's neck and burying his face into the hair. He smells like candy. And... he ran his pointed nose up to Liu's ear, relishing their closeness. He looks so much like Ben.

Torture ((neko!Ben x Jeff x Liu))Where stories live. Discover now