11. Suffer

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Ben shoved the bread into his mouth, hardly breathing as he inhaled the food like it was his last chance. And with Jeff in control of what he ate, it could've very well been. He was back in his short skirt, black panties, and black crop top. Though it wasn't much cover, he'd grown to like the way it felt wearing them. They were pretty comfortable, and the panties hugged his wide hips so well.

"Slow down." Jeff pulled his hand back, holding the piece of bread. "If you choke, I'm not going to help you." He sat on the couch, watching Ben with a bored look as he fed him.

Ben swallowed and took a deep breath before leaning down to drink more water from his bowl.

"We'll film in the basement. I already have most of the equipment I need, we just need to get you some more clothes."

"That's fine," Ben replied simply. He felt much better now that he'd eaten properly, even if it was just some stale bread Jeff had found up in his cabinet. 

The man set the bread bag on the couch next to him, reaching down to pet Ben's ears. 

Ben leaned up into the touch with a light purr. "Will... you be in the videos?"

Jeff nodded.

"What will you be doing?"

"Lots of things," Jeff grinned.

Ben flushed, putting his hands up on Jeff's knees. "Like what?"

"Well, I'll be wearing a prosthetic mask, and I won't ever be completely undressed. You, on the other hand, you'll be completely exposed, face and all."

"What!?" Ben shrieked, eyes wide. "What if they find out where we are? You could get into a lot of trouble."

"There's no way anyone could find us, I have ways to make sure of that. And I'm not worried about anyone knowing who you are, and we could get some good publicity if anyone recognizes me. But you'll be the subject of the videos. I'll only be there when I want to fuck you or when I'm showing you off."

"Showing me off...?"

"Spreading your ass for the camera, putting my fingers in your mouth, flicking your nipples-"

"Okay!" Ben interrupted quickly, his face dark grey.

Jeff chuckled a little. "You get flustered easily."

"Wha- You talk so dirty!" Ben scoffed.

"Dirty?" Jeff laughed, the sound making Ben shudder. "I'm just saying what's on my mind. Speaking of which, I've been thinking, and I want you to smoke with me."

Ben furrowed his brows. "Smoke? Like, cigarettes?"

Jeff didn't reply. He just stared at Ben with a look in his eyes that he didn't understand. The man leaned over to the table and grabbed his cigarettes. He flipped open the top and put one in his mouth, lighting it up. Then he looked at Ben again and patted his lap.

Ben felt his stomach flutter with butterflies as he climbed slowly up into Jeff's lap, straddling his legs with the skirt riding up his thighs.

Jeff grabbed Ben's ass in his hands, earning a sharp gasp from the other, and shifted them both so that Ben was pulled closer. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and held it out to Ben who took a slow, long drag.

He blew it off to the side, trying to avoid the man's piercing gaze on him.

"You're hard."

"You grabbed my ass," Ben muttered, embarrassed. "You're hard, too."

"Yeah. I grabbed your ass."

Ben kept his gaze lowered, fidgeting with the zipper of Jeff's white stained jacket. He could feel the man's intense stare on him and he trembled nervously.

Torture ((neko!Ben x Jeff x Liu))Where stories live. Discover now