13. Promise

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Ben washed himself in Jeff's old tub, splashing water into his face and shivering at the cold. A mixture of blood and cum swirled down the drain as he washed it all off of his body. His body moved as if on autopilot as he thought of what he'd just done. There was now a video of himself up on... whatever it was Jeff used, of him getting his ass absolutely wrecked by a cannibal. It replayed over and over in his mind, making him slow his washing while his thoughts drifted.

I want to do it again.

Jeff had tied a piece of ripped cloth around his  stab wounds to finally stop the bleeding. He looked down at his legs that had been stabbed and cut up so much that it hurt every time he moved them, and not in the way that he would've liked. Being hurt was fun while it happened, no matter how badly he tried to deny it, but afterward, his body ached. He was bruised all over and his ass and legs were so sore that he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to stand back up. He'd only gotten here because Jeff had carried him up here to the tub to clean up after their video was over. With a small grunt, he tried to lift himself with his palms, but his legs wouldn't move. He blushed a little, looking out into the bedroom from the open door of the bathroom. "J...Jeff?" he called out tentatively.

"What?" The answer was yelled back from somewhere that Ben couldn't see.

"I don't think I can stand up!" He draped his arms over the edge of the tub.

There was silence and then heavy bootsteps made their way to the bathroom. "You what?" Jeff asked, looking annoyed.

"I...can't stand up."

Jeff sighed heavily and yanked a stained white towel from where it lay balled up on the edge of the sink. He threw it over Ben's head and started to ruffle his hair under it. "Stand up. Er..." he grunted and wrapped the towel around the neko's body then picked him up awkwardly in his arms, trying to dry him off further. "You need some more clothes."

"Could I please wear some of yours?" Ben asked, flinching in pain when his sore legs were rubbed dry. "Careful!"

"Shut up!" Jeff hissed, dropping Ben onto the floor and wiping himself off with a disgusted look. "You're so damn annoying! Whatever, I don't care. Just find something to wear. I'm about to go to sleep."

Ben gasped in pain as he hit the floor, sitting up and shakily grabbing his legs. He didn't reply, only watched the man as he started to undress as if he was getting ready for bed. His eyes roamed the man's slender, scarred back with interest, but looked away again when Jeff turned back to look at him sharply.

"Sleep on the couch or in the basement," he said flatly. "Not in my bed."

Bed nodded a little and, with his face screwed up in pain, crawled over to a pile of clothes on the floor and looked through them. He found a large black T-shirt with the words Slipknot printed over it in exaggerated, spiky red font. He pulled it over his head, flipping his still wet hair out from the collar. A pair of slightly-too-big grey boxers made comfy shorts for him, though it was a little hard to put them on when his legs didn't want to work. He turned to look at Jeff, who was now only in his black boxers. "H-Hey," he called hesitantly in a small voice.

Jeff was digging through his nightstand drawer. "What?" he asked in a voice that warned Ben he better have a good question.

Ben didn't feel like he was going to be rewarded very greatly for what he was about to ask, but he did it anyway. "Do you have anything for pain?"

To his surprise, Jeff seemed to actually think about the question. "C'mere," he said finally, waving Ben over. "Sit on the floor in front of me," he instructed.

Ben crawled over to the mattress and settled down where he'd been told, watching as Jeff pulled out what looked like a joint. "O-Oh, I don't-"

"You'll be fine," the man insisted as he put it up to his own lips, lighting it and taking a slow drag.

The smell of the smoke that drifted from it's lit end was warm and inviting and made Ben's chest feel light and tingly. "U-Uhm...I guess it's- mpfh!"

Jeff grabbed his face and pulled it close, shoving their lips together and blowing hot smoke into Ben's open mouth.

Ben choked and pulled away with a hacking, spluttering cough. The smoke filled up his lungs and made his entire body feel heavier and heavier as he continued to cough hard.

Jeff laughed loudly, holding his stomach. "Did you like that?" he asked through panting laughter.

Ben trembled as he fought to catch his breath, black tears streaming down his cheeks. Jeff held onto him to keep him steady as he doubled over, though he kept laughing still.

"You're gonna be so high!" Jeff snickered. "That's so cute. I might let you sleep with me after all."

Ben rubbed his eyeless sockets, a string of saliva hanging from his bottom lip. "Why'd you do that?" he asked hoarsely.

"I just wanted to kiss you. Is that so bad?" Jeff grabbed the smaller male and pulled him up onto the mattress and into his lap. "Let's smoke some more."

Ben hissed in pain as his legs were bent and tried his best to readjust more comfortably. "Jeff, I-"

Jeff held up the joint to Ben's lips and used his opposite hand to cup his face. "Here you go, baby. Take another smoke for me."

Ben gave him an uncertain look but inhaled again. He didn't get as much as Jeff had blown into his mouth, but still ended up having to turn his head away in another huge coughing fit.

"Have you never smoked before?"

"I did once or twice after I died, but never much," Ben told him after having to catch his breath again. As he was looking down, he noticed a black line that looked as if it had been branded into the pale flesh. "What's that?" he asked, pointing to it.

Jeff looked down. "Oh," he slid down his boxers just enough to reveal the mark which was seared into the side of his V-line. "It's... just a mark."

It was a simple 'O' with an 'X' scratched through the middle, but just the sight of it made Ben feel a deep feeling of dread in his stomach. "What does it mean?"

"It means I have a promise to keep," Jeff said, running his fingers along the deep gashes, their color a dark ink black.

Ben stared at the mark. "A... promise? To who?" he asked, head feeling heavy with the high that was settling in.

Jeff looked up at him, smiling mischievously. "God."

Ben felt his blood run cold. "What?"

Jeff laughed a little, leaning his back against the wall. "It's a lot to explain."

"Then explain it to me," Ben encouraged, interested in what the other had meant by a promise to God.

"I'd rather sleep," Jeff reached across Ben to grab a black sleep mask from on the nightstand table and slipping it over his head. "I'm tired."

Ben watched him, wondering if Jeff was okay with him sleeping here now. It would be a lot more comfortable. "What if I get really high?"

"You'll sleep it off."

Ben grumbled a little but started to settle down into the blankets. When Jeff said nothing, he closed his eyes and almost immediately fell into a deep, comfortable sleep with the scent of the man covering him. 

Torture ((neko!Ben x Jeff x Liu))Where stories live. Discover now