7. Brat

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The door to the room slowly creaked open, and Ben kept his head bowed, heart racing. After cleaning his messes, Ben had decided to keep himself busy by cleaning up a little more of the house. He also put the clothes he'd been given back on, as well as the panties this time.

I hope Jeff likes this, he thought nervously as he waited on his hands and knees in front of the door, glancing up a little to look at the black heeled boots that stood in the doorway.

"What... are you doing?"

Ben shivered, goosebumps racing up his spine at the deep voice that he'd missed so badly. "You told me you wanted a pet," Ben answered in a  small voice. "I'm sorry for trying to run away. I want to try and be a g-good pet for you." He closed his eyes tight as he waited to hear how Jeff would react, half expecting to feel a kick to his head. It was true, though. Ben wanted to do what he could to please his kidnapper for as long as possible in the hopes that he wouldn't be beat again, and maybe if Jeff started to trust him enough, he could go outside. After reading the journal, he knew how Jeff felt about him now and could possibly use that to his advantage to get his way from now on.

He flinched when he heard the creak of the floor as Jeff kneeled down in front of him. A large hand ran down the back of Ben's head and then stroked his ears. He melted into the touches, having to shove away the dirty thoughts that had plagued his mind earlier. When he finally looked up at Jeff's face, he saw a soft expression under the cut features, with red blood dried on his neck and the hands that pet his ears.

"Did you miss me?" he asked.

Ben couldn't look away from the blue-grey eyes. "Yes," he breathed.

Jeff stood up suddenly, leaving the door to the outside wide open behind him as he walked away. "I see you cleaned."

Ben stared out into the woods beyond the porch. Red sunlight beamed through the tall pines as it set in the sky, and a cool wind whispered against his face. The smell of fresh air and crisp, dry leaves taunted him, drawing him nearer. He didn't reply as he looked out, his breathing quickening. The sunshine feels so warm today, he thought desperately, lifting a hand and holding out his fingers to see them in the sunlight.

Heavy footsteps walked up slowly behind him, and Ben stared forward numbly as the door was closed very, very slowly until it shut softly in front of him. A heavy silence hung thick for a few heartbeats, and all Ben could see was the shut door and Jeff's boots standing in front of him.

"You didn't miss me," Jeff seethed, his voice terrifyingly slow and quiet.

Ben snapped his head up. "I did! I promise!" he cried.

Jeff stared down at him with cold anger in his eyes. "Don't lie to me. I know you want to leave."

"I-I don't want to leave," Ben whimpered, but even he didn't believe his own words. Though he liked the idea of Jeff holding him and playing with him, Ben couldn't deny that he was still afraid of what the man might do to him. He clearly wasn't all there and so far had been incredibly unpredictable. The look Jeff gave him now made his body feel cold with dread. "Please," he begged, horrified.

Jeff kneeled down to him again. "Are you begging for mercy?" he asked quietly. "Do it again. Maybe I'll listen."

Ben couldn't keep his breathing steady as he looked into the eyes, and he found himself unable to speak at all.

Jeff waited, tilting his head to the side. "Nothing? Aight' then." He stood up and walked away. "Go bend over on the mattress and wait for me there, won't ya?"

Ben's face burned hot. "What?" he whispered, still trying to catch his breath.

"Don't make me repeat myself!" Jeff snapped his fingers, then lit a cigarette. 

Torture ((neko!Ben x Jeff x Liu))Where stories live. Discover now