The batchelor/ette

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Beaus PoV

"Is that pancakes I smell?" I yell walking through Nathan and haleys house and rounding the corner to their kitchen. "Aunt Beau" Jamie cheers as I come into view, he begins to shuffle his way out of the chair as Haley points at him with a spatula. "You mr sit where you are and eat your pancakes. Aunt Beau will come to you" Jamie sighs as I stroll over to him and kiss him on the head. "Are you dating Brooke now?" Jamie asks me as I sit next to him facing Haley. "Yeh ok with that?" I ask him as Haley places a plate of pancakes in front of me. "Mhm I love Brooke...she's really cool" Jamie nods looking down at my pancake stack compared to his. "Mama why does Beau get 3 pancakes and I only have 1?" Jamie looks to Haley confused as I try not to laugh. "Honey...beaus a lot bigger than you so she needs more food than you. Plus you have all your fruit" she points as Jamie groans flipping the piece of bacon from a smiley face to a sad one.

"So Jamie was in the pool unconscious?" I ask Haley as  we clean up after Jamie's upstairs. "We were arguing and neither of us seen him head out there and fall in the pool. We got him just in time Beau...imagine...imagine we didn't...or we continued to argue. I just...." I cut Haley off placing my hand on her shoulder "don't think about that hales. Anyway so Nathan kissed Carrie?". "Well he says she kissed him and he didn't kiss her back" Haley whispers as I clean off the leftovers on Jamie's plate. "Do you believe him?" I ask her walking to the sink. "He lied to me Beau...I asked him if the flirting was everything and he said it was. Then I find out about the kiss and ...I just don't know what to do" Haley groans leaning against the kitchen counter. "Want my advice??" I smile as she looks up at me and chuckles "please oh wise one help me". "Speak to him hales...have a proper conversation. I can take Jamie and let you guys talk it out. Yous need to have this conversation" I point a soapy hand at her as she laughs again "ok I know. Thank you. But not's the bachelorette and the bachelor party tonight.  Anyway let's change the subject...what the hell happened with Rachel?"

Brooke's PoV

"How's things with you and Beau?" Millicent asks me as I walk through the store with a bouquet that was just delivered. Smiling down at the card I reply "really really good". "How's things with you and mouth?" I ask her placing the flowers in a vase "really good. He's been so sweet. Everyday he delivers a treat and just before he leaves, a kiss. It's the best part of my day". "Mmm a treat every day" I look up to Millicent whilst arranging my flowers "two treats, if you count the kiss". The bell rings as mouth walks through the door with his 'treat' for Millicent. "Pumpernickel bagel for you....and a surprise for you ...mocha double latte extra foam" he hands me the coffee as I smile awkwardly and point "thank you...and I have a surprise for you....Rachel's back". "Rachel Rachel?" He asks as I try and read his reaction. "Beau and I flew out to New York a few days ago and we found her in my apartment ...she overdosed. She's been laying low at my house since we got back" I reply feeling bad seeing the worry on mouths face "she ok?". "She seems ok today but I don't know. A visit from you would really do her good" I wish I hadn't asked when I see Millicent turn to look at mouth "yeah ok". "Bye milly" mouth turns and walks out the store as Millicent whispers "I didn't get my kiss".

"You look very handsome today" I smile up at Beau as we walk hand in hand through Macy's. "And you look beautiful Brooke always look beautiful" my stomach fills with butterflies as beau looks down to me. "Wait is that Lucas and Lindsay?" Beau asks as I follow where she's pointing and my eyes land on the two kissing. "PDA in the mall is so high school luke" I smile as the two chuckle and pull apart. "Coming from you two...the most touchy feeling couple on planet earth" Lucas points as Beau gasps "we are not". "If you two are in the same room as each other you need to be touching" Lucas points down to our hands firmly interlocked as I chuckle "ok fine. I can't keep my hands of her. What are you's doing here?". "Oh my god!!! Brooke Davis...Lucas Scott and Beau James" we turn round noticing Lucas's shocked face and see Bevin standing in front of us. "R A V E N S! Go ravens" she cheers clapping and running towards me "hi Bevin". "What's up?" She asks in her chirpy tone "oh nothing I'm ..." "I'm great thanks. So, after I graduated four years ago...I got a job, got married, and I had a little boy. Oh isn't he cute? His name is Nathan". I look to Lindsay showing her the picture Bevin just passed me of the same little boy that Tim showed us...Bevin and Tim. "Wow Lucas your marrying Brooke? Huh! I always thought you'd marry Beau, Brooke and Lucas would marry Peyton" I look down at my hand in beaus and wonder what is going on in bevins head. "No uh..." as I begin to tell her how our couples actually are she cuts me off AGAIN "so have you heard from Rachel?".

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