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So I understand that a lot of people have been doing exams the past couple of months including me, so many people can probably relate to the feeling of preparing for exams and stressing out about them and feeling exhausted all the time. 


Just another day at school.

Got my Chemistry exam on Monday, English on Wednesday and Maths next Tuesday. Preparing for school is the most exhausting and scariest thing in the world... Ever.

Got home at my usual time at 4.10 in the afternoon. Just in time for me to start my revision before my dinner. 

"Shit." I snap, remembering that I left my Maths revision textbook inside my locker at school. Crap,crap,crap I look at the ceiling as if someone is just going to hand me down one from the sky. 

"Need some help?" a voice from the entrance of the study door speaks. It was Emily.

Holly was kind enough to let me use her study so I could prepare for my upcoming exams. It had a large computer screen and a large desk so I was able to spread all my books out (if I had them), a comfortable spinny chair and a massive wooden bookcase that reached from the floor to the ceiling full of books that included history, countries, biographies etc. 

When I revise I have to be in complete silence with no distractions at all, Emily was a rather big distraction. 

"Uhm no I'm fine" I lie

"Are you sure about that?" She asks, crossing her arms over her chest tilting her head and bringing one single finger up to her cheek. 

"I forgot my Maths textbook at school thats all."

She giggles, Smirking at me. After a moment of looking at each other she walks into the study and over to the bookcase where she scans it looking for the textbook. After a moment she picks out the exact one I needed. She brings it over to where I am sat at the desk. The smirk still lies on her face. 

"Thanks Emily!" I shouted loud enough for her to be able to hear me. 

"No problem..." She says walking out the room down the corridor.


Its the day of my Chemistry exam and its safe to say that I am shitting myself. Emily pulls up outside school in her usual car parking space which is the one closest to the main school building. Everyone knows its her space. 

We get out of the car, everyone is staring at us. 

"Have you got everything?" Emily questions

"Yeah I have checked my bag eight times over already" I reply 

"Yeah me too."

We walk through to the main hallway and go to the main gym hall where the exam is taking place. Two large doors are being held by the examiners (oh how kind) welcoming all the students into the gym hall. I smile halfheartedly at the examiners either side of me. 

"Good luck" Emily whispers but loud enough for me to hear 

"You too" I say 

We make our way to our allocated seat which had our numbers on the desk and we also got a piece of paper. It goes in alphabetical order by surname no doubt I would be near the back. As I sit down I get out all my equipment that is necessary like my pen, ruler and calculator and place them on top of the small desks surface. Then I look up to the front of the examination room where there is a woman in her late 50's telling the rules of exams, No phones and no cheating. Only when she is finished and instructs us to start I do. I turn the first page and see a question that I have done multiple times before and that I am actually quite good at.  I smirk, beginning to feel a bit more enthusiastic about the rest of the paper. 

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