Chapter Three: An Unwelcome Wake-Up Call

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Y/N was jolted awake, her peaceful slumber violently interrupted by the unmistakable sensation of cold water splashing across her face. She shot up, gasping as she blinked rapidly, trying to wipe the water from her eyes.

"The hell?" she cursed, flailing her arms to find the culprit. "I swear to God, I'm gonna—"

But before she could finish her threat, she heard laughter. Light, mocking laughter. The kind of sound that would haunt her for the foreseeable future.

"Good morning, sunshine," a voice rang out, dripping with amusement.

Y/N blinked the last of the water out of her eyes and squinted at the figure standing at the edge of her bed, holding an empty glass. Scarlett Johansson. Of course. She should have known.

Y/N opened her mouth to hurl a string of insults, but Scarlett waved a hand, cutting her off before she could begin.

"Shhh," Scarlett said, her tone as patronizing as possible. "I don't want to hear it. You've got thirty minutes to be downstairs for breakfast." She glanced at Y/N's dripping hair, her smirk deepening. "And try not to be late."

Y/N rolled her eyes and wiped her face with the bedsheet, her whole body radiating annoyance. "Are you serious? You couldn't have just knocked?"

Scarlett shrugged, completely unfazed by Y/N's attitude. "You didn't wake up when I called. Seemed like the next logical step."

"That's called harassment," Y/N muttered under her breath, though loud enough for Scarlett to hear.

"Call it what you want," Scarlett replied, turning to leave the room. "But you've got twenty-nine minutes now."

Y/N grumbled something incoherent as she swung her legs out of bed. She was about to shoot another snide remark Scarlett's way, but before she could, Scarlett paused in the doorway. She turned her head, her gaze dropping pointedly to Y/N's crotch. A sly smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.

"You might want to take care of... that," Scarlett said, pointing casually toward the noticeable bulge in Y/N's pants.

Y/N's eyes widened as she followed Scarlett's gaze, a hot flush of embarrassment creeping up her neck. "Oh, for fuck's sake," she groaned, quickly covering herself with a pillow.

Scarlett smirked, clearly enjoying Y/N's discomfort. "Don't keep me waiting, darling," she said sweetly before closing the door behind her.

Y/N groaned louder once she was alone, her face burning. "Great," she muttered to herself. "This is how my day's starting?"

She grabbed a towel and dragged herself to the bathroom. Her reflection stared back at her in the mirror, hair damp and sticking to her forehead, eyes still half-closed with sleep. "What the hell is she even doing here?" she mumbled as she turned on the shower.

The warm water washed away the last remnants of sleep, and Y/N sighed as she let it run over her skin. She wasn't looking forward to spending the next few months under the same roof as Scarlett. The woman was already driving her insane—and it hadn't even been twenty-four hours.

Once she was clean and somewhat more awake, she threw on some clothes, grumbling the entire time. She could already feel today would be one of those days where everything rubbed her the wrong way. She dressed quickly, yanked a comb through her hair, and headed downstairs, still feeling a cloud of irritation hanging over her.

As Y/N entered the kitchen, the smell of coffee and freshly made breakfast filled the air. Elizabeth was seated at the table, talking animatedly with Scarlett, who was flipping through a magazine, seemingly uninterested. Y/N's presence didn't seem to register immediately with them. She sat down at the table, waiting for her usual plate.

Scarlett glanced up at her from the magazine, one eyebrow raised in mild amusement. "What are you doing?"

Y/N frowned, looking between them both. "What do you mean? Waiting to eat."

Elizabeth chimed in then, setting her coffee down and giving Y/N a warm smile. "Honey, Scarlett and I were talking earlier, and we've decided that you should start making your own breakfast from now on. I've been doing it for years, but now that I'm leaving for work earlier, I won't have time."

Y/N stared at her mother in disbelief, her mouth slightly agape. "What?" she asked, stunned. "You're not making breakfast anymore?"

Elizabeth shook her head, her expression soft but firm. "No, sweetheart. It's time for you to take care of yourself in the morning."

Y/N's shock morphed into something closer to outrage, but she didn't say anything immediately. She didn't need to. The look she shot Scarlett said it all—this was her fault.

Scarlett met her glare with an innocent smile, clearly unbothered. "Come on," she said, gesturing to the kitchen. "It's not that hard. Fry an egg, toast some bread. You can handle that, right?"

Y/N rolled her eyes, standing up from the table. "Yeah, fine," she muttered under her breath, making her way to the fridge.

She grabbed a couple of eggs and some bread, the weight of both Scarlett's and Elizabeth's eyes on her as she worked. She felt like a child being watched by a pair of disapproving parents. Y/N could practically feel Scarlett's smirk burning a hole in the back of her head as she cracked the eggs into the pan.

Elizabeth, trying to lighten the mood, called from the table. "You're doing great, honey!"

Y/N didn't respond. She focused on cooking, though her hands moved with an exaggerated frustration. She quickly made herself an omelet with toast, ignoring the sense of being judged by the two women behind her. When she finally finished, she cleaned up her mess and sat back down at the table in silence.

Scarlett watched her closely, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "See? Was that really so hard?"

Y/N shoved a bite of omelet into her mouth and chewed slowly, her gaze narrowing on Scarlett. "Maybe if someone hadn't 'poured water on me' this morning, I wouldn't be so pissed off right now."

Scarlett shrugged, taking a sip of her coffee, not bothered by Y/N's tone in the slightest. "If you'd woken up like a normal person, I wouldn't have had to."

Y/N grumbled under her breath, stabbing her fork into her food with a little more force than necessary.

Elizabeth stood up then, smoothing out her shirt as she prepared to head outside. "I'm going to tend to the garden for a bit," she said, patting Y/N's shoulder affectionately. "Scarlett, feel free to stay as long as you want."

"Of course," Scarlett replied with a smile. "I'll join you in a minute."

As Elizabeth left, Y/N felt the weight of Scarlett's gaze still on her. She looked up, meeting those piercing green eyes once again.

"So," Scarlett began, her voice laced with amusement. "Was that really so difficult? Or do you just like making everything a fight?"

Y/N didn't even pause before responding, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I live to serve, Miss Johansson."

Scarlett's eyes narrowed slightly, her lips twitching into a small frown. "Watch the attitude," she said, her tone firm. "You won't like me if I have to be the strict one."

Y/N rolled her eyes and went back to her food, muttering something incoherent under her breath.

Scarlett watched her for a moment longer before pushing herself up from the table. "Enjoy your breakfast," she said dryly before heading toward the back door to join Elizabeth in the garden.

As soon as she was alone, Y/N exhaled loudly and slumped back in her chair. She knew this wasn't going to be easy, but this? Scarlett was going to be a thorn in her side every single day. And the worst part was, her mother seemed to love having her around.

"Great," Y/N muttered to herself. "This day's off to a fantastic start."

With Scarlett's laughter and teasing still echoing in her ears, Y/N resigned herself to what would undoubtedly be a day full of grumbling and annoyance. She finished her breakfast, already mentally preparing for the battles ahead.

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