Chapter Fourteen: No Classes, No Plans

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Y/N dragged herself out of bed, her eyes half-closed as she moved through her morning routine. She made herself some toast, yawning repeatedly as she attempted to wake up. University had been grueling lately, and she could feel the toll it had taken on her. As she pulled on her shoes, balancing on one foot and almost toppling over, she heard a laugh coming from the hallway.

Looking up, Y/N saw Scarlett leaning against the doorframe, smirking at her. 

"What the hell are you laughing at?" Y/N grumbled, trying to straighten up without tripping over herself.

Scarlett raised an eyebrow, her smirk widening into a sarcastic smile. "You know there's no school today, right? You've got the whole week off."

Y/N paused, her brow furrowing as she stared at Scarlett. "What?"

Scarlett simply nodded, clearly enjoying the moment. "Yep, check the date."

Y/N pulled out her phone, checking the calendar. Sure enough, it was a break week. Letting out a loud groan, she kicked off her shoes and let them fall to the ground with a thud, making her way toward the living room. Behind her, Scarlett's amused giggling followed.

Throwing herself onto the couch, Y/N grumbled under her breath, annoyed that she'd gotten up early for no reason. Scarlett wandered in after her, plopping down next to Y/N and turning on the TV. Some random movie started playing in the background, though Y/N wasn't paying attention.

"Where's my mom?" Y/N asked, her voice muffled as she buried her face in the couch cushions.

"She stayed over at Robbie's last night," Scarlett replied nonchalantly.

Y/N made a noise of disapproval, muttering something unintelligible about 'Robbie'and 'dates,' when she felt a sudden slap on her behind. She shot up in surprise, glaring at Scarlett, who simply gave her a scolding look.

"What was that for?" Y/N snapped, crossing her arms like a child.

"For that attitude," Scarlett said sternly, though there was a teasing smile playing on her lips. 

Y/N snorted, still grumpy and tired, but she didn't push it further. Instead, they talked for a bit about Scarlett's plans for the day, with Scarlett mentioning that she had to head to work later but expected Y/N to make dinner for her and Elizabeth when she got back. 

"Sure, I'll cook," Y/N said, then smirked as she added sarcastically, "But only if you say 'please,' ma'am."

Scarlett rolled her eyes, a knowing smile on her face. "Watch it, or you'll be making my dinner for the next month."

They both laughed, the banter easy between them now, no longer tense like it used to be. After a while, Y/N started to feel her eyelids growing heavier. Despite her annoyance earlier, she hadn't slept much the night before, and the exhaustion was catching up with her. 

She shifted on the couch, trying to find a comfortable spot to lie down. "Ugh, there's no room," she mumbled.

Scarlett gave her a sideways glance before rolling her eyes again. "Just put your head on my lap."

Y/N blinked, staring at her skeptically. "What?"

Without waiting for a response, Scarlett reached over, tugged at Y/N's ear, and nudged her into her lap with playful force. Y/N's face ended up pressed awkwardly between Scarlett's thighs, causing her to blush furiously as she quickly pulled away, her heart racing.

Scarlett just raised an eyebrow, a smug smile on her face. "Comfortable?"

Y/N snorted, trying to play it cool despite the fact her cheeks were burning. "You're ridiculous."

Scarlett shrugged, her smile unfazed. "You need a place to rest, don't you?"

Reluctantly, Y/N shifted again, this time resting her head in Scarlett's lap with far more care. She could still feel the lingering warmth in her cheeks, but she kept her face neutral, not wanting to give Scarlett the satisfaction of seeing her flustered. 

As the movie played, Scarlett's hand absentmindedly found its way to Y/N's hair, her fingers gently scratching at her scalp. The touch was soothing—so much so that Y/N let out an involuntary moan, immediately feeling embarrassed by the sound. Scarlett, however, just chuckled quietly.

"You like that, huh?" Scarlett teased.

"Shut up," Y/N mumbled, her voice heavy with sleep. Despite her embarrassment, she didn't move, allowing Scarlett to continue scratching her head. The sensation was too relaxing to resist.

Before long, Y/N felt herself drifting off. Half asleep, she shifted again, turning over and nuzzling her face into Scarlett's stomach. It was a move born out of pure sleepiness, but when she realized what she'd done, Y/N tensed for a brief moment, expecting Scarlett to push her away or make a sarcastic comment.

Instead, Scarlett remained quiet, her hand still softly running through Y/N's hair. The gentle touch lulled Y/N back into a deep, peaceful sleep. Her breathing slowed, and soon she was snoring lightly, her face pressed against Scarlett's lower stomach.

Scarlett glanced down at the younger girl, surprised but not bothered by the closeness. She continued to stroke Y/N's hair absentmindedly, her focus no longer on the movie but on the girl resting against her.

There was something undeniably sweet about the way Y/N looked when she was asleep—so peaceful and unguarded. If Scarlett didn't know any better, she'd almost think Y/N was an angel. Her short hair was messy, adding to her boyish charm, and for once, there was no trace of the sarcastic, hardened persona she usually wore.

Scarlett smiled softly to herself, her eyes drifting back to the screen, though her thoughts were still on Y/N. It was moments like these that reminded her how much Y/N had changed over the past few weeks. Beneath all the snark and bravado, Y/N was still that same vulnerable, beautiful person she always had been.

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