Chapter Twenty-Five: Hints and Kisses

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The smell of dinner filled the kitchen, warm and comforting, as Y/N hummed softly to herself. She couldn't stop thinking about the kiss she and Scarlett had shared earlier. Her lips still tingled with the memory of it, and every time she replayed the moment in her mind, a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. The day had turned into something she never expected—something wonderful and terrifying all at once.

She was setting the table, placing the plates down one by one as Scarlett moved beside her, quietly helping with the silverware. There was a comfortable silence between them, but the tension was still there, unspoken but undeniable. Y/N could feel it in the air, the way their fingers occasionally brushed, sending small electric shocks through her body. She glanced at Scarlett, who seemed focused on her task, though her cheeks were still a faint shade of red.

As they finished setting the table, the kitchen door opened, and Elizabeth walked in with a knowing smile on her face. Y/N caught the look and raised an eyebrow. 

"What's with that smile?" she asked, her voice laced with suspicion.

Elizabeth's smile only grew, and she shot a quick glance at Scarlett, who immediately flushed a deeper red. Y/N frowned, her eyes darting between the two women.

"It's nothing," Elizabeth replied with a casual wave of her hand, though the mischievous twinkle in her eyes said otherwise. As she spoke, she raised her eyebrows suggestively, wiggling them in a way that made Y/N narrow her eyes.

"What's going on?" Y/N asked, her voice more demanding this time. She could tell something was up, but whatever it was, Elizabeth and Scarlett weren't about to spill the details easily.

Scarlett, still blushing, busied herself with straightening the napkins on the table. Y/N caught the small, almost imperceptible nod Scarlett gave Elizabeth—like she was thanking her for something. Elizabeth, in turn, gave a little nod back.

Y/N's frown deepened, but she dropped the subject, for now at least. She put the pot of food down on the table and headed over to the drawer to grab the forks, her mind still swirling with curiosity. Something was definitely going on, but she wasn't sure if she wanted to know the full story just yet.

Once everything was set, the three women sat down around the table. Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that she was missing out on something, so as they began to eat, she asked again, "Alright, seriously, what's going on? What's with all the looks?"

Elizabeth sighed, setting down her fork and leaning back in her chair. "Well, since you're so curious... Scarlett and I had a little chat earlier.

Y/N paused mid-bite, her eyes flicking to Scarlett, who nodded sheepishly.

"She made me feel like my mom was scolding me," Scarlett added with a small laugh, glancing at Elizabeth with a mixture of fondness and embarrassment.

Y/N raised an eyebrow, her sarcastic nature kicking in. "What did she say? 'Scarlett, you've been a very bad girl. You must think about what you've done.'" She deepened her voice mockingly, trying to imitate Elizabeth.

Scarlett chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Pretty much. She lectured me about being 'stupid,' and I gotta admit, she's right."

Y/N smirked, shoving a forkful of food into her mouth. "Of course, she's right. Mom's always right," she said with a teasing grin, earning a playful glare from Elizabeth.

They continued eating, the conversation flowing easily. Y/N felt more relaxed than she had in days, enjoying the company of the two women who meant the most to her. But as the meal went on, a question began to form in her mind, something she had been wondering about ever since Scarlett had come back to the house.

She glanced at Scarlett, who was quietly eating across from her, and took a deep breath before asking, "So... are you gonna come back?"

The question hung in the air, and both Elizabeth and Scarlett looked at each other. Elizabeth gave Scarlett a pointed look.

Scarlett sighed, setting down her fork. "I'm... not sure," she admitted, her voice quiet but honest.

Y/N nodded slowly, trying to keep her disappointment in check. She understood, but that didn't make it any easier to hear.

Before Y/N could say anything else, Elizabeth chimed in, her voice full of certainty. "She'll come back," she said firmly, giving Scarlett another look, this one more encouraging than before.

Scarlett opened her mouth as if to protest but seemed to think better of it. She let out a soft sigh and nodded, offering Y/N a small smile. "Yeah... I will."

Y/N's frown softened, and she couldn't help the small smile that crept onto her lips. "Good," she said simply, the warmth in her chest spreading at the thought of Scarlett being around again.

Elizabeth stood up then, stretching with a tired yawn. "Well, I'm heading to bed. It's been a long day." She shot Scarlett a quick wink as she passed her. "I'm sure you'll figure things out."

Y/N rolled her eyes, but her smile remained as Elizabeth disappeared down the hall, leaving just her and Scarlett alone in the kitchen.

Scarlett stood as well, brushing her hands on her pants. "I should probably get my stuff from the hotel."

Y/N nodded, walking her to the door. The evening air was cool as they stood at the threshold of the house, the soft hum of the city just beyond them. Scarlett turned to Y/N, her gaze lingering, as if she wanted to say something but wasn't quite sure how to.

They stood in silence for a moment before Scarlett broke it with a playful smirk. "You're tall."

Y/N blinked, frowning in confusion. "Is that a problem?" she asked, her voice tinged with sarcasm.

Scarlett stepped closer, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "No, it's just... you'll be hard to kiss." Her voice was soft, teasing, and her lips curved into a slight smile.

Before Y/N could respond, Scarlett stood on her toes and pressed a soft, quick kiss to her lips. It was gentle, almost shy, but Y/N's heart pounded in her chest nonetheless.

Without thinking, Y/N quickly caught Scarlett by the hips, lifting her effortlessly off the ground. Scarlett let out a surprised gasp but wrapped her legs around Y/N's waist, her arms slipping around her neck as their kiss deepened. 

This time, the kiss wasn't shy. It was full of pent-up emotions, months of unspoken feelings coming to the surface. Y/N's hands gripped Scarlett tightly, her heart racing as their lips moved together in perfect sync. Scarlett's fingers tangled in Y/N's hair, pulling her closer, as if she couldn't get enough.

When they finally pulled apart, both of them were breathing heavily, their foreheads resting against each other. Scarlett was still wrapped around Y/N, hanging onto her like she never wanted to let go.

Y/N, always quick with a sarcastic comment, grinned. "You know, I could just carry you around all the time if kissing me's gonna be that hard."

Scarlett blushed, though she tried to hide it with a smirk of her own. She squeezed Y/N's bicep lightly, her voice equally teasing. "Well, I won't complain, but you better be ready to carry me everywhere."

Y/N laughed, the sound light and carefree, and she kissed Scarlett's forehead gently before finally setting her down. They stood there for a moment longer, just looking at each other, before Scarlett cleared her throat.

"I should really go get my stuff," she said, though it sounded like the last thing she wanted to do.

Y/N nodded, stepping back reluctantly. "Yeah... I'll see you later."

Scarlett gave her one last smile, pecked her quickly on the lips, and turned to leave. Y/N watched her go, her heart still racing as she closed the door behind her, leaning against it for a moment as she let out a long breath.

Whatever happened next, Y/N knew one thing for sure—things between her and Scarlett were far from over.

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