Luke: Crushing

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You are in front of Luke, a good friends house. He wanted you to come over, so here you are. You knock on the door and you can hear some voices behind it, they talk loud enough to understand what they're saying. 

'No, I'm going to get it!' 'Boooooys!' 'Shut up, Luke!' The door finally opens and you see a happy Michael. Ashton has an arm around Luke, who blushes and Calum stands next to him with a big smile. 

'Hi guys.' You smile. 

'Hi, (Y/N).' Ashton, Michael and Calum says. 

'Stop staring and answer, Luke.' Ashton says, laughing.

 'Uh, yeah, hi (y/n).' Luke waves.

 'Come in.' Michael says and stands at the side so you can come in.

 'How are you?' Luke asks shyly. 

'Man up, Luke. It's just (y/n), unless, you have fe-'Calum is interrupted by Luke elbowing him in his stomach. 

'Unless you have what?' You ask, looking Calum and Luke in the eyes. 

'Un-unless I have fungry.' Luke stutters. 'Fungry?' You raise an eyebrow. 'Yeah, it's a new word we made. It's food and hungry togheter.' Luke blushes.

 'Am I seeing things or is Luke blushing.' Ashton smiles.

 'Oh, oooh, I think he really is blushing!' Calum says, looking at Luke's cheek and rubbing it. 

'Jup, he's blushing! And by the way, Luke, you just made the word fungry by yourself and now.' Michael rolls his eyes. Luke blushes more.

 'I, pff, am not blushing and I didn't made it up now.' Luke stutters. 

'What is happening?' You ask, completly confused.

 'Nothing, let's just watch a movie.' Luke puts a hand on your back and leads you to the couch. You sit down, just like Michael, Calum and Luke. 

'Ayy, Luke, don't sit down yet, come help me.' Ashton says, wich makes Luke groan. 

'Wow, I just need some extra hands to help me get some food, because I thought you were fungry. And by the way, you have (y/n) for the whole day.' Ashton winks. 

'Coming right back.' Luke whispers to you. What the hell is happening right now? It was always like this, but now it's worse. 

'Hi (y/n).' Calum brings you back on earth. You look up and you see Michael and Calum staring at you. 

'Were you thinking about Luke?' Michael asks with a smirk. You frown and shake your head, well you weren't really thing about him. 

'Because Luke always thinks about you, yesterday, he kept talking about how pretty you are, how funny you are and all those stuff, it was really annoying.' Michael smirks. Luke and Ashton comes in with food, before you could question Michael about what he's talking about. They put it in front of you guys.

 'Oh, shit, guys i forgot the drinks. Michael, Calum, your turn to help me.' Ashton turns around and walk in the kitchen with Michael and calum walking behind him. 

'Luke, please tell me what's happening.' You turn to look at Luke.

 'Well, I have to tell you someday.' He sighs. 'Okay. (y/n), I love you, I love you since the day I met you. I thought it was just a crush, but it turned into something more because of your smile, your laugh and how you talk to me, it turned into love. I don't know what you did to me, but god, I love you. Please, please be mine?' He pleads. Your jaw dropped and you stared at him like that for a long time.

 'Yes.' You nod, realizing that you love him too. 

'Yes, I want to be yours.' He smiles. 

'Can I do something that I wanted to do for a long, long time?' He asks and you nod again. He crashes his lips on yours. His lips are sweet and soft. Hi hands goes trough your hair and yours are touching his back.

 'God, Luke, I know that you have a big mouth, but please keep it small or else you have the entire head of (y/n) in your mouth.' Michael says, disgusted. Luke doesn't pull away, instead he sticks his middle finger out at him.

 'Oh, my god, I'm gonna tell Liz!' Michael says. Luke still ignores him. Finally you pull away. The three idiots are standing in front of the kitchen; Calum with his phone in his hand, Ashton clapping and Michael smirking. 

'This is coming on instagram!' Calum claps. 

'Finally Luke, now you can stop talking about her every night and moaning her name in your sleep.' Ashton laughs.

 'Oh, god, I'm traumatized!' Michael puts his hand in front of his eyes and falls on his knees. Luke laughs and takes you in his arms. For the rest of the day, the three keeps teasing you about how clingy you two are and annoying and sometimes cute

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