Is that... a cat? - 💤

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Summary: Ted likes cats, but he's allergic to them. That's it.


Escaping Ruddleside was probably the best thing Ted had done so far.

Not only was he on his way to find a community to reside in, but he also met the love of his life, Diego. He only knew him for a little less than a week, but he already loved Diego and every part of him. His curly, black hair, his oak brown eyes, and the little birthmark on his cheek. Not only his looks, but he also admired his bravery, quick wits, and even his guitar skills, despite Diego telling him he was 'rubbish' at it.

It's been a day since they escaped Ruddleside. Ted kept his hands on the steering wheel as Diego stayed fast asleep in the passenger seat, his chest lightly rising and falling with every breath. Ted smiled softly, feeling his cheeks burn before sighing and stopping the car.

"Hey, Diego. I'm gonna take a break, my hands are tired, is that okay?"

He asked, chuckling softly as Diego groaned and stirred, rubbing his eyes. After a while of stretching and yawning, both boys got out the car to move around a bit.

The road still looked the same, a bit pebbly, and the trees were still as bushy as ever, leaves rustling in the warm wind. Diego looked down at his sneakers before back up at Ted, his brows frowning softly. Ted was so majestic to him. Even with how naive and himbo-like he was, Diego still found himself enamoured by his humour and looks. His soft tufts of blonde hair, his piercing blue eyes and even the little slit in his brow always seemed to catch his attention. He just never knew if Ted would like him back or not, it was hard to tell, especially when Ted's ears would go red only because they were sore. He noted that Ted still had survival skills, like shooting and knowing how to drive a car, which was what really got them out that shit-hole in the first place.

Ted and Diego didn't wander far from the car, just a few steps ahead. Ted was gazing down at his map, which had a few blood stains on it from how much he had been injured. Diego tried to peer over his shoulder, which proved to be slightly difficult as Ted was quite tall. Just then, a soft meow could be heard from below.

"What the...?" Ted mumbled as he gazed down, only to see a tuxedo cat staring back at him with piercing green eyes. Diego gasped softly, his eyes lighting up.

"Gato.." He whispered softly, watching as Ted gushed and picked up the fuzzy little creature, ignoring the meow of protest.

"Diego- Diego! Look! It's a cat! Look at it!" Ted said in excitement as he cradled it, ignoring how it meowed at him. Diego sighed and rolled his eyes softly, unable to hold back the soft huff of amusement from his lips. After a minute, Ted was slightly flushed, sniffling and rubbing his eyes.

"...are you crying?" Diego asked, slightly concerned yet confused. It pained him to see Ted cry, but it also confused him as to why anyone would cry over a cat. Then he saw it, how Ted tried to rub his itchy eyes, and how he sniffled and swallowed uncomfortably as he cradled the cat.

Was he... allergic?

Diego cursed under his breath before gently removing the cat from Ted's arms, causing the blonde boy to gasp softly and reach out for the cat again.


"Ted, you're allergic."

"I- Achoo! Am not!" He argued back, as he continued to sneeze and sniffle. The cat looked at Ted in confusion before trilling at Diego, who just sighed at Ted. He was cute, but he was also naive sometimes. Yet he couldn't deny that he felt a bit bad for Ted, seeing how he loved cats so much yet was allergic to them.

"You are Ted... you're all sniffly and your eyes are red and watery." He explained, gently pointing to Ted's blue eyes which were beginning to water over. Ted huffed and dabbed at them before sniffling and looking like he was in some sort of discomfort.

" throat feels funny."

"It's the cat."

"Maybe I ate a funny mushroom..."


"Or was it the crow?"

"era el maldito gato." Diego almost sighed out in an amused way as he watched Ted try and excuse his actions. Just then ,the cat meowed and jumped from Diego's arms, running back into the bushes. Ted gasped and reached out for the cat.

"No!" He started before sighing, looking a bit dejected, watching as the cat escaped the scene before sneezing again. Diego smiled softly, getting out a clean rag before lending it to Ted so he could dab his nose.

"It's okay."

"It's not!"

"Yes it is, it's just a cat."

Diego said, watching as Ted dabbed his eyes and nose with the rag in a huffy manner. Ted looked back at Diego before rubbing his eyes tiredly, the sneezing tiring him out.

" need a nap, maybe if you-"

"-can I sleep on your shoulder... y'know, like back at the school?" Ted asked, Diego paused, his tanned cheeks becoming pink as he looked back at Ted. He was quiet for a moment before smiling softly. "Of course..."

Both boys situated themselves in the front of the car, Diego sitting up as Ted leaned his head on his shoulder. Soft blonde hair tickled Diego's neck and chin slightly, as Ted's eyes began drooping.


"It's the middle of the day- but goodnight, Ted."

(Word count: 914 words.)

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