Fluffy sweaters - 💤

178 9 28

Prompt: They both find an abandoned mall and decide to frick around.


Diego stirred, opening his bleary eyes as he felt the car stop, gently jolting him out of his sleep. He rubbed his eyes, brows furrowed as he did so, he never really knew why he would always fall asleep in the car, it just happened. Ted, meanwhile, had put the ignition into park, the little car stopping momentarily as he observed their surroundings, looking confused.

"Huh... don't recognise this place." He hummed to himself before looking up ahead. Diego stretched in his seat, grunting softly as he felt the tension leave his muscles before looking in the same direction as Ted. Spotting a distant mall, he gasped and lit up in excitement.

"Ted! It's a mall!"

"I can see that." Ted chuckled in amusement at how excited his C̶r̶u̶s̶h friend seemed to be about finding the abandoned mall. He was about to turn to Diego, asking if he wanted to keep driving before seeing him burst the door open and rush out.

"Woah- Diego! Wait! It could have lone survivors!" He yelled out as he hurriedly got out of the car as well, not wanting Diego to get hurt by anyone. He ran after the shorter male, panting as he did so. How did he have so much stamina for someone so little?!

They both ran until they entered the mall, as usual, the escalators were broken and jammed, plants began growing inside, and things were broken and collapsed. Diego looked around before huffing at the sight, seemingly a bit disappointed that he wasn't able to find anything.

"What exactly were you looking for here, Diego?" Ted asked when he finally caught up, panting and hunching over, hands on his knees. Diego just shyly shrugged, a bit embarrassed he made Ted run after him for nothing.

"I dunno, I suppose I thought..." He trailed off, looking up to see a store. It was in rough shape, but it was still open, the lights flickered, showcasing many stylish looking clothing items. Diego perked, grinning a bit before giggling at Ted.

"You'd look cute in that hoodie!" He giggled out, pointing to a fluffy dinosaur hoodie on the display. Ted huffed, crossing his arms and getting an idea. He gently held Diego's hand, tugging him to the ruined store and being oblivious to the red hue that had risen to Diego's cheeks.

They entered the store and looked inside. Diego gasped softly in joy and amazement, not noticing Ted going off somewhere and ignoring the shuffling noises he was hearing. There were many items such as shirts, jeans, hoodies, sweaters, and-

"Diego! I'm a princess!" Ted suddenly exclaimed, showing off the sparkly pink tutu his found and put on. Diego's eyes widened before he began laughing out, not really caring at how he sounded around Ted. Ted also giggled and shimmied it off before finding a teddy sweater. Diego looked at it and smiled, finding it very cute.

"Awh, a teddy!" He said before looking at Ted, making a connection.

"Ted... Teddy.... I'm gonna call you Teddy now!"

"Wh- no! I'm stronger and cooler than a teddy!"

"You're also fuzzy like one, cutie." Diego said, failing miserably at flirting. Ted just looked at him, slightly astonishing before holding back his giggles, visibly shaking from laughter. Diego just huffed and frowned in a mocking way.

"Yeah, yeah... laugh it up, Mr. I'm So Tough!" He joked before finding a Hellfire shirt.

"Ooh-" He looked at it with interest before finding a band shirt. He put it on before looking over at Ted.

"Hey... how does this look on me? I might bring it along." Diego asked the blonde. Ted looked back at Diego, going red at the sight, it was a bit bigger. As band shirts usually were. But it still looked amazing on him.

"You should keep it, I think it looks amazing."

"Really?" Diego lit up, Ted went up to him before smiling.

"Yeah, I'll even bring this dumb teddy sweater along, if you'd like?"

Diego smiled, his dimples coming out before he nodded happily. Ted chuckled before picking up some stray button.

"Hey, Diego."


"You're as cute as a button." Ted flirted, holding up the little button. Diego paused before groaning out in amusement and giggling.

"That sucked!"

"Hey! You started it!"

Both boys looked at each other before laughing. The laughter died down after a few long seconds... they both looked at each other, Diego cleared his throat before looking back up at Ted, his cheeks going slightly red.

"Y'know... I really enjoyed this. It's like... everything is back to normal, and doing this with you was probably the best feeling ever."

Ted's eyes slightly widened at the confession. He looked down shyly, gently tugging at the sweater like a shy teen before looking back up and smiling softly at Diego.

"Diego I- let me-"

Ted stammered, he cleared his throat and inhaled deeply, his brows furrowing as he debated his options before deciding to go in for it. He leant down, gently cupping Diego's face with his hands before kissing him. It wasn't deep or sexual intentions, just a soft peck on the lips, full with love and care. Diego made a soft sound of surprise, leaning into his lips before pulling back. Ted looked away shyly.

"...sorry about that."

"Nonono... don't be- I liked that-"

Diego stammered softly, looking back up at Ted, feeling as though his snarkiness had left him entirely.

What did Ted do to him?

Ted glanced back at Diego shyly before smiling softly at him.

"...did I tell you how good you looked in the band shirt?"

"Yeah, you did."

"Well, it makes my heart beat like the drums in a band."


"I made it up."

"Ted- stop."


Prompt by: SoulReaper319

Thank you so much for the prompt, I had a fun time writing this one!

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